Lifelong Learning

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Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

CU3813: Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning

Understanding own role and responsibilities in Lifelong Learning

Legislation and Code of Practice

The following are the code of practice of teaching the makeup and hair course:

To develop and maintain the highest standard of vocational training in makeup and special effects.

To focus on the students' needs.

To supply the fashion and the entertainment industries with well educates and trained personnel who strive for the innovation and excellence.

To develop public awareness of the makeup and special effect as a significant aspect of the fashion and the entertainment industry

The code of conduct rests upon the following requirements:







The term supervision in teaching can be interpreted in several ways, including the supervision of students' academic progression as overseen by their instructors, supervision of junior faculty members' teaching by more experienced faculty, and the supervision of all instructors' teaching activities by the department head or other senior university administrators. Supervision of teaching may also extend to supporting students who are learning to teach, such as offering a course on the teaching of psychology to graduate students or providing training sessions and/or supervision to teaching assistants (Stiggins, 2009, 758-765). The supervision of teaching activities can help novice instructors to overcome common pitfalls such as a lack of confidence in their teaching ability or relying too heavily on one's lecture notes and can take place in groups (e.g., meetings with all introductory psychology teaching assistants) or one-on-one. For the purposes of this discussion, we will focus primarily on one on-one supervision of the teaching activities of novice instructors by a faculty resource person or department head, although much of the material can be applied to other contexts (Stiggins,2009,758-765).

In addition to the multiple contexts in which supervision of teaching can take place, the ethical issues inherent in these supervisory contexts must also be viewed from multiple perspectives, including that of the supervisor, the supervisee, students in the supervisee's courses, and, more broadly, the university, the surrounding community, and society. Our discussion will focus on the ethical issues at the micro level-those most directly affecting those involved in the supervisory relationship-but with the broader, macro level implications of this supervision always immediate (Silva,2009,630-634).

1.2 Promoting Equality and Diversity

There may be the issue of stereotyping and prejudice in teaching and evaluating students, for example, teachers may support and facilitate few students due to their rapid learning skills. Beside the diversity is another significant aspect that should be addressed when extending vocational teaching. Creating a healthy and productive learning environment for all students is at the heart of curriculum reform efforts addressing diversity. The impact of attending to diversity in curriculum is clearly evident in content and pedagogy at all levels of education from early childhood to doctoral studies, as well as in the contentious debates about how diversity should best be addressed.

1.3 Own Roles and Responsibilities in Lifelong Learning

Qualities of teacher

Humility: The word conjures up meekness, passivity, even submissiveness, and, in the worst case, ...
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