Life Cycle Completed

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Life cycle completed

Life cycle completed

Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Crisis Life Cycle Model - the Eight Stages of Human Development

The human growth here is in terms of inner ren and external conflicts shown that the healthy personality has to endure strength and from which they repeatedly strengthened with a Sense of internal unity, an increase of judgment and the ability out- is their thing "to do well", according to the standards of those Environment, which is important for these people. The expression 'his thing make good "(to do well) suggests naturally to the whole problem of relativity the culture towards. Thus, for example, the circle of people important for people is to believe he was doing his job well when he much Doing "good", or if he "is well" in the sense that it makes a lot of money; or if he manages to see reality in a new way or to master tern, or even if he just puts himself through. Formulations which, what one must understand in an adult under healthy personality found in other work of the Preparatory Committee. I want only one pick, namely the definition of Marie Jahoda (1950), after which their environment healthy personality actively masters, a certain uniformity shows and is capable of the world and to recognize themselves properly. Clearly, that all of these criteria in the intellectual and social development of the child have only relative significance. In fact, we can say that the childhood initial stage just by their absence and their gradual development is featured in many complex stages. So I see it as my task to address this question from the genetic point of view: in how to grow a healthy personality, and how you grow from the successive stages of the ability to the external and internal hazards ren to master of life and yet an excess of life force to erüb- engined? Health and growth If we want to understand the phenomenon of "growth", we would do well to us to remember the epigenetic principle that the growth of the organisms is derived in utero. This principle can be generalized meaning that all that grows has a ground plan, following which the individual parts, each part goes through a time of excess weight, until all the parts into a functioning Governing whole have grown. With the birth of the child leaves the chemical exchange of the womb and enters the social exchange a society in which its growing capabilities in degree to the opportunities and limitations of his culture meet. As of, maturing organism evolved, not by production of new organs, but by a pre-recorded sequence of locomotion, Sinnesund social skills, is shown in the literature on the development of the child. The psycho- analysis, the understanding of the real personal experience and specifically contributed to the internal conflicts that define the way how a person to an individual's personality. But here one must to be aware that the healthy child with a reasonable degree ...
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