Liberal Arts In College

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Liberal Arts in College


During the past decade, the parents and individuals are in a dilemma of which field they should choose to study, and whether that field is prosperous in the future or not. The Great Recession has raised many a doubts in the minds of intellectuals and future leaders. The question whether the field will benefit monetary wise is vital. It's fair to be thinking like this, as we have experienced during our economic times that the costs of goods and services have increased considerably, whereas the salaries have not been raised likewise (Roche, 1-14). Also, the examples of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and a number of highly acclaimed books about college experience and whether it does really counts, raise some serious doubts among the new generation. But the talk of utterly dismissing academics is absurd to say the least. Not only bachelor degrees are highly worthy and important, but some questionable degrees like Liberal Arts degrees, are highly beneficial (Rhoten, 1-19). Employers should not only consider these graduates from liberal arts, but seek them out in the market. The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze, assess and share information pertaining to the value of Liberal Arts in College.


The importance of liberal arts education cannot be studied without the sensitivity to social and technological changes that have occurred during the past few decades. The sensitive issues of social, political and economic cannot be overlooked as they are linked to our community, state, nation and the globe. However, our direction should be towards creating an effective response towards the needs of the socio political environment and learning how a company can create a workforce that can effectively respond the challenges posed (Brewer, 83-96). We can see the huge investment that has been put in to swiftly move the world towards a highly advanced technological globe based on effective communication systems. This advancement doesn't come without its consequences. There companies require an effective workforce, which can adapt to the highly complex, technological and competitive environment. Thus the need for a higher education which can polish such talent and can meet the needs and requirements of the World economy is on a rise, and this is where Liberal art education plays its role (Eckles, 266-293).

The term “Liberal Arts” meaning is unclear to many, as the term itself is not self explanatory, hence people are vague about the idea of it. Some nurture a belief that liberal arts is study of many classes that is required for the technical training which leads the individual to a prosperous career with a good paying job. However, looking through the perspectives of intellectuals and reading the literature and the impact of liberal arts in many industries, it can be said that liberal arts holds the key for the survival in this ever evolving world (Brewer, 83-96).

It can be said that technical provides an opportunity for students to enter into labor market, categorically speaking it provides a “foot in the door”. But, liberal ...
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