College Of Arts And Sciences

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College of Arts and Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences


Arts integration is ensuring and allowing students an equitable education through all aspects of learning. Arts integration is combining any art form with any academic instruction. Not only are you just combining it but you are introducing to your students a different way of learning and studying a subject (Augros, 2008, 12). There are three ways arts can be introduced into the curriculum; learning with the arts, learning through the arts, and learning about the arts.

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences combines the strengths of a major research university with the qualities of an outstanding liberal arts college. College of Arts and Sciences prepares its 4,850 undergraduates for lives of leadership and service. Chartered in 1746, College of Arts and Sciences is the fourth-oldest college in the nation. It is a private, non-sectarian university that seeks to fulfill its informal motto, which was first expressed by its 13th president, Woodrow Wilson: "College of Arts and Sciences in the nation's service and in the service of all nations”.

Learning with the arts is taking any art form and showing it to the class as an aid to help teach them about a particular subject. For example, I am teaching students how to write a story. They should know that all stories should have a beginning, middle, and an end. Using learning with the arts I will show them a dance that tells a story and have them pinpoint what the beginning, middle, and end is. They will also be asked to tell what they think the story is about. (Augros, 2008, 12)

Learning through the arts enables students to hold onto to subject matter so they are able to express themselves, using any art form, and their understanding of the material. For ...
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