Lesson 3- Yoder Wise- Chapter 26

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Lesson 3- Yoder Wise- Chapter 26

Lesson 3- Yoder Wise- Chapter 26

Question, 1 Discuss your concerns about delegation and your responsibility and liability, regarding delegation.

It has been observed that inappropriate delegation to the nursing assistant can raise issues for the delegator of nurse. The most vital official issue in the procedure of delegation is the nursing judgment. The responsibility towards delegation is crucial to handle, when the nurse delegates tasks under the professional standards, ultimately the nurse will have the fine defense. However, if the nurse presumes that a nursing assistant is aware about the task or regarding reporting, and is not assured to the qualified nursing assistant, then the nurse can be legally accountable for the inappropriate delegation I believe that delegation is the responsible art to portray on the living being, without making any errors. The process is sensitive in nature and depends on the knowledge and problem solving effectiveness of the nurse. Delegation is the process that directly effect on the health care of patient; improper implication can be shaped into scary structures which cannot be avoidable. Every decision linking to the delegation by RNs must be grounded on the basic rules of safety and public protection which are the fundamental principles of regulation (ANA, 2005). The nurse should consider few measures for conducting activities and tasks to delegate. Nurses are answerable for the result to delegate care. Therefore the nurse should only delegate of care to an individual, who has had proper training and whom they think capable for performing the task. If the nurse is delegating, she must be assured that the person to whom they have delegated fully realizes the work of the delegated task especially in accordance to what is anticipated of them.

Question,2 Do you delegate many activities now or do you tend to do most things yourself.

Health service providers are liable to both civil and criminal courts to ensure their activities according to the legal requirements. Therefore, I will personally would like to delegate many activities and after learning the whole principles of delegation. Nurses are needed to aware that delegation should always be for the best interest of the patient and not executed merely in an effort to save money or time. My positive outcome will depend over the nature of task, if I will find it comfortable to execute or fall in my knowledge; I would certainly work on it. In ...
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