Reflections on Creativity

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Lesson 3 assignment

Lesson 3 assignment

Question No: 1 Reflections on Creativity

Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right. (Henry Ford)

The art of creating something new is known as creativity. For example artists create art, the musician creates music from different tunes, many people are creative in cooking as well as home interiors, etc. Every person is different from each other and different have different experiences of creativity. “The grass is always greener where you water it.” (Unknown)

For three years this is the theory about my life. Life is all about how you maintain it; life, a bad life, a good life and a well lived life. Life is not about the chance of luck or fate but it is all about something creative so that you will get the life what you want, and doing it again and again and again until you get success. Since long time, my writing life is like un-watered grass. Due to this when I start writing the words get away from me. According to me people who had done something creative must have a lot of time, money and luck or something creative that I think I don't have in me. All my creativity at that time turned into resentment. But I am still happy because I know how t lives a happy, thankful life. But sometimes I still think all this unused creativity made me feel that there is no any purpose of my life; just like dried and brown grass.

According to me simplicity and creativity are the two same things. I spent my entire life living a simple life - meditating, and flattering very purposeful about what I actually wanted and needed, and finding the difference between these two things. Then, one day, I finally decided to write, I sat down and start writing. I write so much that I completed the first draft of my novel.

All creativity needs some space. All it needs is intention and purpose. Like a green grass needs water and it will start turning brown if you don't water it and busy attending the other important things in your life.

It takes some time and energy to finding your simplicity edge. There will be a lot of things to sort, decide and to throw away. Making physical space in your life make a huge difference; it is valued every minute delcuttering. Following ten tips help you to find time and energy for your creative life:

Say no

Learn to say NO if you really want to find some time to water your grass. This is the most important and first step in simplifying your way back to creativity.

Have fun

Creativity is all about creating something new and creative is always fun. One should enjoy it. If you think you will not enjoy this work it's better to leave it - because “should” is entirely different from “want”. Life is all about gathering what it has in it ...
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