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Legal Rights of the Trade Union Safety Representatives

Legal Rights of the Trade Union Safety Representatives

Legal Rights of Trade Union Safety Representatives

Trade union safety representatives' functions can only start after the verification of their names from trade union. The mandate of the representatives of the workers is 3 years. The substitution of representatives is allowed only in case of resignation or permanent disability, fitting the same candidates and alternates for the order shown in the list. Each safety representative has a credit of 5 hours per month for the exercise of their functions. This credit is not combinable with other credits hours and counts as actual service.

Moreover, the right of the suitable working conditions for trade union safety representatives for health and safety is regulated by law. All safety representatives without exception have the right to provide working conditions which respect their health and safety assured by the trade union, regardless of their bond contract. The right to participation in training and getting time off for training for trade union safety representatives is an important area and therefore, it is based on a set of rights, all interconnected to prevent risks in the workplace, including the right to be informed by adequate information and training, occupational hazards, its causes, the prevention measures and also protection. All safety representatives have the right to provide working conditions safety, hygiene and health protection ensured, regardless the contractual relationship by the trade union. The trade union is obliged to ensure workers safety and health in all aspects related to their work. For this purpose shall take all necessary measures to order to ensure order, continuous and permanent, the work performed in conditions of security and health. For that reason, it is the general duty of trade union that is to work on the prevention principles.

The safety representatives shall notify the trade union intended to enjoy the right to credit hours. The communication must be made in writing and with a minimum of 2 days in advance, unless reasonable grounds. In addition to this, if the absence of trade union safety representatives for the performance of their duties exceeds 5 hours per month then it will be considered as excused absences, but are discounted in remuneration. Absences are communicated in writing with at least 1 day in advance or, in not possible, within 48 hours on the immediate 1st day of absence; though, it is important for the safety representatives to know that the absence from the work should be justified.

The trade union shall make available to the trade union safety representatives' appropriate facilities and as material and technical means necessary, including transportation to visit the local work, since it warned in advance. Trade union safety representative has the right to distribute information, as well as post it on appropriate location, provided by the union. In addition to this, it is vital and crucial to note that if the trade union enters in to the agreement with the employers then the safety representatives of trade union ...
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