Legal Right To Kill

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Legal Right To Kill

Legal Right To Kill

Capital punishment, also referred to as the death penalty, is the taking of a persons life as the punishment for a serious crime. Capital Punishment has been the subject of controversy for many years. Many methods of the death penalty has been used overtime around the world, some of these are hanging, lethal injection, death by firing squad, and many others. Australia does not currently allow the death penalty in its law system and many arguments have arisen about this issue. For many years people have been arguing about the death penalty and whether it is right or wrong. Its supporters say it is a suitable punishment, while its opponents say we dont have the right to take a life away. Both sides can turn to the Bible for help in most cases. The Bible talks about capital punishment and God tells of it as a good punishment for crimes, however, we should be able to forgive people. Overall capital punishment should be allowed, as it is a suitable punishment in most cases and if people are allowed to take away babies lives, why shouldnt they be allowed to take away criminals lives that deserve to die. To understand all of this, first it must be understood what capital punishment is.

capital punishment is the killing of a person by judicial process as punishment.Crimes that can result in the capital punishment, or the death penalty, are known as capital crimes or capital offences

Australias laws and legislation are against the death penalty and capital punishment. The last use of capital punishment in Australia was in Victoria in 1967 for the murder of a prison guard. Capital punishment was then officially abolished throughout Australia by the Death Penalty Abolition Act 1973. The abolition of the death penalty clearly states that A person is not liable to the punishment of death for any offence. (The death penalty abolition act 1973 section 4). As Australia is against the death penalty the government has made a substitution for this as the imprisonment for life. This means that a person that has committed a bad enough crime that would usually be punishable by death is instead imprisoned for life:Where by any law in relation to which this Act applies (including a provision that would, but for this Act, have effect by virtue of such a law) it is provided that a person is liable to the punishment of death, the reference to the punishment of death shall be read, construed and applied as if the penalty of imprisonment for life were substituted for that punishment. (The death penalty abolition act 1973 - section 5)As criminals are now not able to be killed immediately and are instead imprisoned for life many problems arise, thus, creating arguments and controversy about capital punishment.

There are many strong arguments for and against capital punishment. This is because many people do not believe that it is right to kill a person, no matter what they did; however, many ...
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