Legal Issues

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Legal Issues

Legal Issues

Response to the letter

Letter from the Principal

TO:Joe Black, Lead Custodian

From:The Principal

Date:October 26


After reading your letter I was in a state of shock for a period of time because it is actually a matter of our school's reputation and I really want to look at it in detail to rectify the actual issue so that best possible outcomes can be generated.

Therefore, I have decided to go for a plan of action so that this stated problem can be highlighted as soon as possible and further we will be in a state of position to question Mr. Smithson as well. For this I do require your assistance as well in order to solve this serious issue as soon as possible.

I am grateful to you for highlighting this issue and further it will be my key responsibility to look at every single detail of it.


The Principal

Plan of action

Below mentioned is a proper as well as a detailed plan of action in order to solve the stated issue and to come up with best possible solution as well.

In order to solve the stated issue, I will first of all observe myself the attitude of Mr. Smithson towards female students so that can actually know the truth behind the letter. Therefore my target will be first to observe the situation without knowing Mr. Smithson about the whole issue. By this, I can actually rectify the problem and can further move on with it (King, 1976).

As a matter of fact every working environment does require some proper methods as well as regulations in order to come up with some potential outcomes. In this regard for me the matter of concern is to see what the actual problem is and how I can resolve it. In this allegation, rights of students are involved so that every student can feel comfortable and can study in peace and harmony. For this purpose, safety as well as security should be given to every student in order to protect their rights.

In this regard, harassment and discrimination is termed as one of a serious issue and all the rules as well as regulations related to the harassment police and procedures are actually applied in this regard. The stated matter in the letter pin points the issue that is actually related to the case of harassment and as a matter of fact students are not aware from this issue at this point of time. But, it is our core responsibility to look at detail of it in order to solve it as soon as possible.

In this case, formal investigation is required as well as it is warranted too. But, before going towards the formal investigation, proper actions should be taken and for this purpose relevant material as well as evidences should be gathered so that investigation can be termed as a stronger one. And if proper investigation is followed up, then it is for sure termed as warranted (Heller, 2011).

In order to move towards a proper investigation, I would like ...
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