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Early Years Framework

Early Years Framework


Early Years Framework in the United Kingdom

The outcome of a child's future depends largely on how well the society understands the need of its children. It is an established fact the adult life of a person develops on the foundation of childhood. The experiences of a person clearly affect life in future. This is now evident from the extensive research and education conducted in recent times. The justice, health and economic systems are now being developed in the United Kingdom for the betterment of the youth. For this purpose the Early Years Framework provides guidance and assistance in the development of preventive measures. This framework emphasizes the need for provision of an improved childhood for infants in the United Kingdom. For this framework to effectively function, the local governments and practitioners must also be taken on board (Steveson, 1999, pp. 78).

Early Intervention through Early Years Framework

Early Years Framework defines the years of infancy from prior to birth till the child reach the age of 8 years. This framework also emphasizes the importance of the duration of pregnancy, the events and experiences of mothers and how they influence the outcome. The time when a child reaches the age of kindergarten and then primary school is also important in providing the youth an improved childhood for the youth. But the scope of the framework is not limited to children of 8 years, and is also applicable to children above the previously mentioned age.

The core of this framework appreciates every child's right to cordial relationship with family and friends, environments conducive to learning and development and the basic right to match all the needs and wants of children. This framework covers needs such as playing conditions, social bonding with other children, emotional development, learning and physical wellbeing. This framework provides special attention to families that require assistance and support in providing a better environment for the child's development. This support can be in the form of finance, training and other necessary assistance (Stafford & Vincent, 2011, pp. 110).

The Early Years Framework is also relevant and applicable to a variety of social policies, but it is more relevant to those that provide support to the infants and children of 8 years. The current situation of the United Kingdom requires early intervention in the lives of infants to provide a better future. This framework provides the best and earliest opportunity to understand and better the childhoods. For early intervention, this framework lays down 4 generic principles. These principles are discussed briefly below;

Every child should have access to similar environments and opportunities during the early years of childhood

Identify and assist the those children that are suffering from deprivation of any form and take preventive measures to overcome the issues confronting them

Once identified, measures should be taken to counter the problems

Providing assistance to families, parents and communities in order to come up with customized solutions by using relevant and high quality of public services, as per requirements

Empowering Children

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