Legal Ethical And Professionals In Marriage And Family Therapy

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Legal Ethical And Professionals In Marriage And Family Therapy


Nowadays divorce has become very easier step to run away from one's responsibility and get rid away, although it is the social and human expense and ethically a wrong deed. Therefore Family and Marital counseling has drawn the special attention by the government in our society. The social mediation has possessed its own importance and value because counseling is the only tool which can hold to the unconditional happenings of divorces and it also serves the duty for the happiness of couple, children and public in general for their future assessment. However, personal reputation and private information also requires the assurance of confidentiality and protection of communication exchange in family and marital counseling.

The paper is about the legal ethical and professionals in marriage and family therapy, which will be explained by the help of the article that is titled “Pragmatic/Experiential Therapy for Couples,” and was written by Brent J. Atkinson, is basically exhibiting the approach of a treatment, which is termed as an experiential therapy for couples. The articles also put a great emphasis on that approach which is a combination of tangible modification in the interaction of couple with the methods that are linked with the experiential therapy with the intention to help the clients. The therapy involved the experiential activities are actually therapies which are used in couples, which allows the couple to learn from their shared experiences. In this therapy the couple is focused on the direct relation with each other. There are many therapies in which different therapist uses different approaches to work on the client. Although, every client has some specific problem which might do not relate which any of the previous clients, in such cases that therapist should have covered the needs of the client. Moreover, the experiential therapies are the activities that could be involved in the exercises in order to help the couple top put their focus on the relationship in each other, imagining how they relate each other. There are more approaches in this therapy. Thus, the main objective of the paper is to describe the application of pragmatic/experiential therapy with couples, along with it the therapy proposed for the family (Atkinson, pp.4).


Definition of Marriage

“Marriage” is an English word; the word marriage derived from a Latin word “Maritus” which means husband, and “matrimony” which also derived from a Latin word “Mater” which means Mother. The terms suggest that the meaning the word “Marriage” portrays is some sort of promise or a contract further explaining it is an exceptional relationship between two people. Characterization of the word marriage provided by the German word Ehe, it says “Marriage is a legally an authorized and certified contract between a man and a women (Cherlin, pp. 126-144). Marriage generates kinship in which relationships went into comfort and profound and sexual recognized and approved in many ways, each depends on the culture in which the marriage occurred. Such unity and development is known as matrimonial. Traditionally, marriage has been ...
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