Family Genogram Project

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Family Genogram Project

Family Genogram Project

GenoPro Genogram Software

The genogram is a format for drawing a type of family tree showing at least three generations (McGoldrick, 1999). Much more than a family tree, a genogram graphically portrays complex family patterns across several generations and places the problem behaviour in a larger family systems context. With its origins in Bowen's family systems theory, the use of the genogram is accepted practice for many family therapists.

Genograms are co-constructed with the family members in the engagement phase of treatment. The therapist is not only gathering valuable biographical data but also engaging the family in a collaborative therapeutic effort. Moreover, the genogram offers a means of broadening the family's focus. For example, in constructing the Martins' genogram, Cindy's place in the broader system became graphically clear: She was between two separate families. Briefly, creating a genogram involves three levels: (1) mapping the family structure, (2) recording family information, and (3) delineating family relationships (McGoldrick, 1999). The most inferential level of genogram construction is delineating the relationships among family members. This is done using a combination of clinical observations and family members' self-reports. For example, Mr. Martin describes his relationship with his brother as distant, but as he speaks, it becomes clear that the relationship is highly conflicted and causes him much pain. His denial of the pain then becomes a working hypothesis to test later in treatment.

GenoPro is software both use, intuitive and easy to learn, offering the possibility to produce structures of the most complex family trees. GenoPro interprets, publishes and allows printing large family trees. GenoPro offers powerful tools to ferret out incomplete or incorrect information. Of all the genealogy software, GenoPro is the easiest to learn and use. If you have no experience in genealogy, you can learn to use GenoPro in a few minutes without needing to consult the online help. GenoPro uses genogram to represent your family tree. A genogram is a graphical representation of a family through a series of simple rules and images. Genograms include basic information on the number of marriages, number of children in each marriage, birth order, age and death. Some genogram include relationships between individuals and information on common disorders of the family, or alcoholism, depression and disease. GenoPro can insert unlimited pictures for each individual and family, and help you create a CD-ROM of your family album. GenoPro has a powerful report generator to generate detailed reports in the language of your choice. These reports can be printed or published on the Web using your Web connection.

The program is convenient and easy. GenoPro allows you to build a family tree a few mouse clicks. Just double-click on the icon of the person you can add as many details as you want, including professional information, education, contact information, place of residence and an unlimited number of images for each object. Of course, GenoPro supports a standard set of features such as infinite number of undo and redo operations, copying and pasting, and printing and print ...
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