Leg 500

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LEG 500

LEG 500

Answer 01

Steps would be taken to analyze the situation and determine the causes of problems. Then measures would be taken to overcome these problems. The employee in this case seems to have a superiority complex besides being incapable of keeping pace with the new technology. Therefore, this employee will need psychological counseling as well Information Technology training, where she would be taught how to use the computer with proficiency (Hannaway & Hunt, 1995). The problem with such type of workers is that they think they know everything and others do not understand them. The fault is on their own part as they fail to realize the actual requirements of their job and what the employer demands from them. If an employee has a lack of skills or needs improvement to enhance their abilities, then they should opt for getting training for the desired skills. This not only proves to be good for the employee, but is also beneficial for the company (Hannaway & Hunt, 1995).

Since it is noticed that even after months of computer training, the employee still fails to understand how a computer works; the company might consider shifting the employee to some other department. The skills of the employee have to be determined fairly because in today's technologically advanced world, only few jobs can be performed without having knowledge of computers. Therefore, shifting the employee should be the decision only if nothing else works (Hannaway & Hunt, 1995).

Answer 02

The employee would be told to calm down, and the concept of employment-at-will would be described to the employee. American Law has a doctrine called At-will employment which defines the relationship of employment in which both the employer and employee have the right to break the relationship without being accountable and without liability. However, this applies if a particular contract is present for any particular duration that outlines the details of the employment relationship. This also applies if the employer does not recognize any union or a collective group (Ceglowski & Woodard, 2012).

In this case, the employee clearly seems to be taking advantage of whatever little knowledge she has of the doctrine of at-will employment, and thus the terms need to be made clear to her. Therefore, her case would be put forward to the management so that they deal with her. The company would evaluate her performance and would issue an internal memo telling her ...
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