Transformation Of The World Over 500 Years

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Transformation of the world over 500 years


Globalization has strengthened the relationship and helped us get to know each other in need better. He helped to demolish the walls that separated us and reduced our natural identity of being fellow human beings. Globalization first became a financial term, but its impact is not limited to the country's economy, the term globalization actually relates to every aspect of life, as cultural, social, psychological and, of course, political.

It is true that the impact of this transformation is visible and significant impact on politics and the economy, but its influence on the mentality and culture is very gradually, as people think and react. It's like Iceberg theory that what we do and say are on the edge, and what we think and believe is based. The base is not visible, but the manifestations of the top catch the eye. It applies here, and where people do not change abruptly and perhaps after a decade of change begins to show and it seems radical.Pro-transformation

Transformation or Globalization as we may call it, is not new; the base was laid long ago, when the Dutch East India Company and British East India Company began trading with India. In history there were trade relations between countries, both Arab and Egypt, and now in our time, that translated into transformation or free trade. It is true that ultimately all free trade have led to a white man with the burden of active, but then transformation leads to more employment and higher living standards, especially among developing countries (Bulliet Crossley 450). Theory suggests that transformation leads to the efficient use of resources and benefits everyone involved.

According to libertarians, transformation will help the world deal with crises such as unemployment and poverty. This will help us to raise the global economy only if the participating units have mutual trust and respect each other opinions. Globalization and democracy must go hand in hand (Bulliet Crossley 455). It should be clean business with no colonial design. As we have developed over the past 10 years, transformation seems to have given us a good profit. Globalization has made the lives of third world citizen, a totally different story. There are so many foreign companies that have made the way East and India have made the brand worldwide.Pros and cons of transformation

Advantages of transformation are numerous and include the following: (Bulliet Crossley 479) • Now there is a world market for companies and individuals have greater access to products in different countries.• There is a steady cash flow to developing countries, which gradually decreases to the dollar difference.• Due to the global market, there is an increase in the manufacturing sector and there are many options for the company at this time.• Gradually, there is a world power that is created, rather than compartmentalized energy. The policy of association and decisions made, really useful for people who repeated the world.• There is more information flow between the two countries, which have nothing ...
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