Leave No Neglect Abuse Child Act

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Leave no neglect abuse child Act

Leave no neglect abuse child Act


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the Act “Leave No Abused or Neglected Child Behind”. This act gives an overview that the child abuse should be ended, and there should not be any neglected child behind. It is said that children are the creatures that cherish the world; therefore, the problems of neglecting child and child abuse should be ended. The problem of child abuse and neglect of children is increasing day by day (Crosson, 2005). There is a growing need to find solutions to prevent the child abuse and child neglect.


Children who experience child abuse are more likely than their non abused peers to exhibit myriad physical, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional problems during childhood, which put them at risk for personality disorders, substance abuse, criminal behavior, and psychiatric disorders in adolescence and adulthood (Volkow, 2001). The persistence of childhood difficulties into adulthood may contribute to the inter generational transmission of the abuse. Recent evidence in the area of neuroscience has revealed how the emotional trauma associated with child abuse can negatively impact brain growth and development, which can result in enduring changes, in all aspects of child development (Miller-P, 2007). Increased severity and duration of abuse, as well as exposure to multiple forms of abuse, will increase the likelihood of a more negative outcome for children during childhood and in adulthood.

Historical Background of the Policy

The introducer of Leave No Abused or Neglected Child behind Act was Jim McDermott who was a representative of Washington. As per a website there are many reasons for the implementation of this policy. First reason was that supporting children through funding only helps an individual child and take them away from their homes, but in any case, they do not help in keeping the families together (Howe, 2005). The social workers and counsels do not take any follow-up visits to these families. The current policies do not make any prevention against the child abuse, rather they make used to wait for the occurrence of abuse and then the act was permitted to enact. Another reason for the implementation of this act was that the eligibility rules, which were developed for the foster care did not include many children. Children who were in need, to be removed from their homes were not having many options. Another reason was that the proper tools were not given to the caseworkers to help them perform their job effectively. The documentation of the act of neglected children has become a history. The origination of the term “child abuse” had come from the middle Ages, when immature girls were asked to get married to an older man. This abuse has been recognized as a public ill firstly in 1800's, in United States (Garbarino, 1989). Its recognition has started from the formation of the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Group. In terms of Child Abuse, the first policy has been ...
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