Child Abuse And Neglect

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Child Abuse and Neglect

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Abuse and child abuse is a problem that concerns all countries of the world. In this sense it is celebrated on 19 November the International Day for Prevention of Child Abuse, which is an initiative of the Foundation of the World Summit of Women (FCMM) which have involved 149 organizations, including which is the Network for the Rights of Children in Mexico, 59 countries, which aim to foster a culture of prevention of child abuse worldwide.

Importantly, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, who turns 11 years of having entered into force on November 20, provides in article 19 the obligation of the state party to protect children from all forms of violence and abuse , who have made ??parents or any other person dedicated to their care.

However this problem is present both in first world countries, like those in developing countries. In the United States for example, data collected from 50 states and the District of Columbia, in 1996, 1077 children died from abuse or neglect, of which 77% was three years old or younger. (Cantwell, 10)

Each state defines child abuse and neglect according to the CAPTA provides minimum standards, the law mentioned above. In most states recognize four types of child abuse or child: physical abuse, neglect (abandonment or neglect), sexual abuse and emotional abuse. Although these types of abuse may occur separately, usually occur in combination than alone. In many states, neglect and substance abuse by parents are also considered as a form of abuse.

Childhood is the base for growth, development and socialization. In adolescence, young children are educated to be creative and affirmative functioning of society. Unfortunately, messages sent and activities in relative to young children in their families are not habitually affirmative flats, which would be expected.

Child abuse is a very genuine problem and it is well-known today. The influence of progeny misuse sways more than one progeny, and psychological and personal trauma often expands far into adulthood. Most young children are defenseless against abuse, which are reliant on their caregivers, and incapable to defend themselves from these acts.

Child abuse is a general term used to refer to all types of abuse and neglect, including physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation. Neglect is the most common form of violence, which represents approximately 62.8% of known victims in 2000, followed by 19.3% and cases ...
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