Learning Theory Systems

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Learning theory Systems

Learning theory Systems


To meet the challenges posed by contemporary society to education in our country was enacted education reform that is aimed at new learning goals and toward a new understanding of teaching clearly based on a constructivist view. Looking To achieve these goals, has tried to improve both material and human conditions of the current educational offerings through a significant investment of public funds directed to the preparation of teachers through various forms of professional development. However, the changes are still quite disappointing.

Current literature indicates that in-service teachers still do not understand what is involved in implementing a teaching based on the constructivist approach and that, at best, show teaching "in transition" with respect to spirit of. Along with this, the analysis of the initial training of teachers does not seem to be delivering the education system teachers who make a practice of teaching based on constructivism. Why has it been so difficult to get teachers to a teaching oriented constructivism? Research indicates that the core of constructivism oriented training is in how it is modeled and put into practice during training, however, its implementation depends not only conceptual and pedagogical variables, but also cultural and political variables.


Realizing that the shift toward a constructivist approach involves many challenges for programs of initial and continuing training of teachers, our study aims to understand the theoretical profiles on learning and teaching than both in-service teachers and student teachers and see if these last possess a theoretical profile more in line with the current demands of educational reform.

But, despite the belief that it is the way in which learning occurs, we are far from knowing how to model or if possible preconceptions impact as radical or only achieved a combination or a partitioning of learning theories. We can describe the implicit theories about teaching and learning of teachers in service, after having done some studies with teachers from primary and secondary education. This description allows us to understand how the theory constructed by the teacher from his previous experience, lets explain and interpret classroom dilemmas, and how these approaches are close to a greater or lesser extent to some formal theoretical approaches to learning such as the behaviorism, information processing and constructivism itself. For them, these spontaneous theories are basically three: direct theory, interpretative and constructive theory.

The direct theory with the epistemological assumption that knowledge is a true copy of reality, learning reduces playback stimuli or behavior without the mediation of higher psychological processes. The interpretive theory retains the epistemological assumption of the previous approach, but learning is the result of the personal activity of the subject, who operates a series of psychological processes mediators. This theory is close to the information-processing models which, although it assumes active learning is equally reproductive. Constructivist theory supports the existence of multiple knowledge, perspectives and relativism. All knowledge is a contextual construction and therefore on and with varying degrees of ...
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