Learning Practices At Organization

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Learning Practices at Organization



Organizational Learning1

Different Approaches to Learning at Organization2

Different Forms of Learning2

Single Loop2

Double Loop3

Triple Loop3

Levels at Which Learning Occurs3

Five elements of Learning at Organizations3

Learning Perspective4

Strategic Perspective4

Integrative Perspective5

The Learning On-Demand Model5



Learning Practices at Organization


Learning and development is important for organizations as it ensures the organization is performing at its full capacity. It also ensures that the employees possess all necessary skills and knowledge to carry out actions. The learning is a continuous process at organizations that look beyond the compulsory training and development needs. These organizations consider learning important in order to improve their productivity, efficiency and profitability (Infed.org, 2012). Through continuous learning employees are continuously aware of the strategies followed by organizations and they can align their objectives according to the goals of the organization. Thus, a link is created between learning intervention and strategy of the organization.


The learning process at organization has its own importance, and Felstead and fellow researchers emphasized highly that in order to achieve corporate objectives it is necessary to mould attitudes and generate enthusiasm at the organizational level (Infed.org, 2012). According to Lewis and Thornhill, organizations need to focus significantly on the area of learning and development. This is important to evaluate and assess the potential level that an organization can achieve. CIPD conducted surveys regarding learning and development in 2008 where only one in five (21%) of the respondents said that they spend most of their time monitoring or evaluating training at the moment (Amitabh & Sinha 2012, pp. 11). This problem of overlooking the need of training and learning encompasses many countries including UK and USA.

Organizational Learning

It is a process that helps the organizations in long-term survival and sustained growth through performance Fiol and Lyles emphasized that alignment is necessary if the organizations want to achieve the potential through learning, unlearning and relearning processes from its past behavior and performances. Holmqvist and Kieser defined the process of learning at organizations as the encoding procedure of the inferences that arise from the experiences from routine operations. The process also includes the procedures that are considered as standard for operations and other organizational rules. A formal explanation was given by Lave and Wenger in 1991 as an organized individual experiential learning process (Martinette & Obenchain-Leeson 2012, pp. 45).

Different Approaches to Learning at Organization

First school of thoughts is supported by the researchers Brown and Duguid who support the view that people in the organization and the organization itself learn all the time. The passage of knowledge is implicit and is carried through informal practices at the work place. Knowledge is transferred through everyday interaction between people. Shipton and other researchers stated in 2002 that the similar process is followed for new employees, and the existing practices at workplace formulate the learning experiences for the new people in the organization (Amitabh & Sinha 2012, pp. 12). According to researcher Huber who supports second school of thought, the three processes are of vital importance in learning organizations. These are

Knowledge acquisition which is the process that helps developing new ...
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