Learning Plan

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Learning Plan

Learning Plan


In this essay I will try to present a learning plan for the level 7 study in a Mauritian school. It is very important for the teacher to engage and motivate the students, because without motivation the students will not be able to perform in an effective way (Barley, Meyer, & Gash, 2008). Therefore, as a teacher it is my duty to perform well in the class and try to motivate the students. The Mauritian authorities should also create such an environment at the schools which fosters learning and development of the students. As a teacher it is also my duty to know that whether all of the students are performing well or not, if any of them is not performing up to the task then I will have to increase his motivation.

There has to be focus on the research as well ( Benson,1991). I will have to engage the students in the research process as without proper research on any topic they will not get the desired results (Dean,2005). I will make the students to take profound interest in the research. Similarly, it will be required of them to have the theoretical knowledge of the subject which they study. In most of the Mauritian schools little focus is given on the research, it is therefore pertinent that the students should be asked to engage in various kinds of research as per their fields. The role of the authorities is very important in this regard; it is their duty to make such an education policy that should entail research at all levels.

Today the western educational institutions have shown rapid advancement and the reason behind that is that they emphasize on research. Along with the research the students should also have the theoretical knowledge of their subjects, because without a proper theoretical knowledge the students will be unable to understand the major concepts. If the students would have theoretical knowledge they will not face any problem in resolving the complex situations. Moreover, there should be a combination of the research, theoretical knowledge and the practical learning at all the Mauritian schools.


Teachers play an important role in the delivery of information to the students. The role of the teacher is not only to provide the raw information but he should also work upon the professional development of the students. Similarly, the teacher should also focus on his own personal development, as it is necessary to adapt to new changes and developments. As a teacher I will not only focus on the development of my students but I will also work upon my own development. In some of the Mauritian schools the teachers just heavily emphasize on the students. They want their students to learn and develop and on the other hand they do nothing for their own learning.

They ask their students to learn but they themselves do not learn anything (Bentham, Hutchins,2006). Furthermore, it is also the duty of the teacher to know the understanding level ...
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