College of electronic communication systems, including but not limited to faxes, computers, network file servers, network or system device, data and program files, email and Internet access, and the software provided to students are the property of the College and are intended only for teaching. It is important to remember that Internet access and sharing of system resources is a privilege, not a right (Gould, l989). The following provisions shall apply to all students on the use of computer systems:
Student computer use
College prohibits the illegal duplication of software and documentation. Private or non-standard software can not be installed on any computer or network from the College without the approval of the instructor and the Director of Instructional Technology. Students are not allowed to use a code or password issued to another student or faculty member, access, view, or retrieve information from any computer, network file server, peripheral network or system of e-mail, website, file or computer program or outside the College network (Forester and Morrison, l990).
Student exchange equipment (rotary)
Using the computer to obtain unauthorized access to learning materials for personal gain or profit, or gain unauthorized access to the work of another student, or share the work of a non - authorized shall be deemed a violation of the University Code of Student Conduct. In addition to the penalties provided under this policy, the student in May also is denied access to facilities and subject to legal or other academic discipline, as appropriate.
Student team and the equipment functions
It is the fault of the student to make sure your password is kept confidential. In case of abuse or threats arise because of messages that allow other student's access to this account, the student who owns the account will be held accountable. Students are charged with responsibilities for the safeguarding of the ease with which it is entrusted. Lack of awareness and to effectively protect the misuse of these facilities is subject to a student who is denied access to and use of facilities. In addition, damage or infringement of any copyright material or confidential information from negligence, May also be subject to the student to disciplinary action in accordance with the loss, including dismissal or prosecution under University policy and local, state and federal laws(Forester and Morrison, l990).
Directions for use of the Internet
College prohibits the use of computers, electronic mail, Internet access, or any other ...