Learning Organization

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Learning Organization

Learning Organization


"Learning organization is an organization that is continuously expanding its capacity to create its own future” (Garcarz, Chambers & Ellis, 2003, 1). A learning organization is one that recognizes that the whole workforce needs opportunities to learn new skills and knowledge and apply those in their working environment in order to keep pace with change and maintain organizational effectiveness (Marquardt, 2011). Learning organizations should view their workforce through a range of assumptions.

Acquisitions and applications of knowledge and skills would be lifelong learning process.

People are resourceful and want to do well in their jobs.

Individual performance and morale would be improved by the motivational aspects of learning.

DHL Worldwide Express is the learning organization, and the company is very much aware with the fact using better knowledge and processes will allow them to lead in the global market than their other competitors do."Learning organization are very good at painting a clear picture of their ultimate goals or their vision, and sharing them with the whole workforce so that all members of organization feel a part of the achievement of their common goals”(Garcarz, Chambers & Ellis, 2003, 1).


Traditional organization club people into two heads “doers” and “thinkers” and it refers that doers are prohibited from thinking process but through the practice adopted by learning organization made everyone to participate in distinct roles and widens the intellectual capacity of people at all levels both as individuals as well as team (Sessa & London, 2006).

Real learning is not just the adaptive learning (having limited understanding), which is necessary to survive, but it is known as generative learning that enhances human intellectual capacity, and draws the desired and forecasted results (Pezzulo et al, 2009). Learning itself comprises of three different activities communicating, thinking and cooperating. When these capacities are developed it automatically shows the ability to learn (Marquardt, 2011).

According to Senge (1994) below five elements are fundamental to a learning organization and should be encouraged at all times.

Team Learning

According to Senge (1994, p236) organization generates favourable results when team learn together and members of the organization will grow more rapidly than could have occurred otherwise. DHL promotes the team learning through daily, weekly, monthly staff meetings, top down management meetings, sharing of feedback and result in groups, combine trainings and through various internal, external, formal and informal gatherings on different occasions. Virtually it has seen all relevant decisions have been taken in groups ...
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