Peter Senge is very well known for his visioin and study of learning organizaton. He suggests that people working in a learning organization are always in a quest to improve their skills and capabilities on a continuous basis for the basic purpose of developing and creating whatever they want. Thuse his concept and ideolog behinc learning organization has proven to be extemely useful for many large corporationsa and workers. He came up and presented the work of management and business with the five most important dsiciplines that are namely systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, developing shared visioin and team learning. Additionally he also suggested with the theories and ways of practical implementation by dealing with the arising issues and problems for learning organizations.
Peter Senge has defined learning organization as organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together (Senge,1990, pp. 3).
The main idea of inspiration and motivation behind the concept of learning organization is based upon the fact that since the external market situation and trends are constantly changing may it be due to technology, regulations, globalization or competitors marketing strategy, only those organization that are quick in adapting to those changes and remain flexible enough to respond tend to survive and remain successful in the long run. Authors suggest that for that matter, it is extremely important to know that what drive employee commitment and motivates them to learn and grow at every level (Senge, 1990, pp. 4). Every employee wants to learn and grow which is nature but the most important thing is to provide them with such learning and productive environment which not only improves their performance but is also positive and conducive to employee engagement and involvement activities. Therefore it is necessary to make employee actively participate in the change or transition process especially if the organization is a learning organization and is expanding and changing its functions on a regular basis to keep up with the market trend and competition. Employees have the urge and willingness to improve but are unaware of the path or route and this is where the important role of organization and management comes in. it is the job of the higher management and leaders of organization to look for employee participation and involvement opportunities and techniques so that they feel like an important part of the changing organization. The feeling of belonging to a part of team that is great in terms of performance and is generative and important makes employee feel more useful and meaningful in the bigger picture. Such experiences according to Senge for majority of the employees are the most memorable ones since they provide them with the feeling of accomplishment and self actualization as the feel that they have live to the fullest in that singular period of ...