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Learning Organization

Read Complete Research Material



Thesis Statement1



Characteristics of an ideal Learning Organization3

Observable Behavior3

Team Learning4

Triple Loop Learning4

Wheel of Learning5

Results of the Observable Behavior5


Progression towards Becoming a Learning Organization8

Four characteristics that are most compelling to you and the organization9

Achieving Compelling Characteristics9

Major Barriers10

Strategies to Overcome Barriers10


Learning Organization

Thesis Statement

“Learning Organization provides growth and progress to all employees in an organization equally.”


Organizational Learning can be defined as an enduring change in the behavior of the individuals in an organization that occurs as a part of an experience. From the experiences and examples it can be determined that learning takes time. The scenario in which it can be said that learning has occurred can be if an individual behaves, reacts, and responds because of an experience, in a manner that differs from how it behaved before. A point here to note is that learning involves change, which can be good or bad from an organizational point of view. Apart from that, the change must be comparatively permanent. As compared to that, temporary changes can be just reflexive and usually represent no learning. In addition to that, definition of the behavior is concerned and is perceived differently. Learning exists when a change in actions. Three theories have been offered to explain the process: Classical conditioning is a type of conditioning in which an individual responds to some stimuli that do not produce so must the response. This conditioning is passive. Something happens and we react in a specific way. Comes in response to a specific event, identifiable as such, can explain simple reflexive behaviors (Robey and Boudreau, 2008, pp. 167-185).

A company that learns is a form of organization that focuses on managing the exchange of knowledge at all levels, hierarchical and functional company. This type of business organization assumes that the knowledge accumulated in the employee only has value if it flows, from individual to individual, from group to group, from organization to organization. The basic definition of learning organization is one that facilitates the learning of all its members, sharing information and experiences globally in itself a continuous transformation. The company that learns changes the culture of the company, regardless of activity or structure. Differentiating at the time of implementation depends upon the capabilities of each distribution or geographical domain (Sahay and Robey, 2006, pp. 255-282). All components involved in a company to develop a learning organization model, share the view that the future is built day by day through continuous learning, and as feedback, learning that local staff will be globally through its sharing, enriching all in an absolute way. The members of the group taken as fact, try managing their own knowledge that is going to move the company closer to success. Forming this principle will help sustain the norms as a culture and dogma as the responsibility of the employee and reasoned logic. This in turn creates a sense of innovation and continuous training and a sense of connection with the company.


It is never enough to make a single person learn and then determine what the organization ...
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