Learning & Development

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The Importance of the Assessment of Learning Need

The Importance of the Assessment of Learning Need


There is a belief that learning is a significant part of one's life. In fact, it is true to a greater extent that people do need to learn throughout their life in order to understand about various phenomenon' that exist in this world. From child to an adult to old age people, everyone does possess a need to learn. Though, the perspectives and criteria of learning differ in each stage of the life of individuals. For each of the learning purposes, it is necessary to assess and identify the need of the learning of an individual. Similar to learning, the need of the learning also differs in each individual. Some wants to learn for getting better results in the exams, some wants to learn for their promotion in the corporate world, while some just want to learn for the sake of learning.

In theory, it is defined as obtaining new or existing information, which an individual was not aware about. The information might include certain set of skills, behaviors, knowledge, preferences, and values. One cannot teach the other individual anything unless that individual is not willing to learn (Carter, Ulrich, & Goldsmith, 2012). Learning is the ability which is not only possessed by the humans, but animals and machines also have that ability to learn and digest new information. No one is able to learn all the information at once. It requires time for the individuals to build up their knowledge base. It is a gradual process which is attained through experience.

Motivation towards learning new information and/or phenomena is essential in the process of learning. If there does not exist any motivation for an individual, it might not be able to learn. Therefore, it becomes very important to assess the need of learning. This paper will focus on identifying the importance of learning in the life of people. The importance of learning will be based on various perspectives and stages of learning. In addition to that, it will also draw attention towards the significance of assessing the learning need. The paper will tend to use various theories in order to explain the importance of learning.


Management Learning and Development

As said earlier, learning is a process which is done in any stage of life. This leads us to ponder about the need of learning in an organizational level. Yes, organizations do consider learning and development as their integral part of the business processes. Not long before, learning was not given much importance in the workplace, but with changing environment and demanding nature of jobs, organizations mindset shifted towards providing learning and development opportunities to their employees. Not just individuals are being bale to learn new things and information's through such programs, but it also provides organizations to have competitive advantage over other companies in their respective industry (Priya, 2011).

Human resources department play a significant role in identifying the learning and development needs of the ...
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