Learning And Research Methodologies

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Learning and Research Methodologies

Learning and Research Methodologies


Learning is used in many societies and cultures which combine conceptual and linguistic construction yet with different meaning that are less likely to be contradictory. It does not hold a physical identity in the world if contrasted with schools, children, books or other such things. It is rather a notion or thought constructed by human to label or name a complex process that are important for the survival of human s and this is what makes human distinctive amongst other living creatures existing in the world. One to learning is the concept that is generally understood in this context while the other starting point in the chosen methodology to learning and these varying methodologies have different conceptions to learning approaches. Further, the claims by authors along with the strengths and weaknesses of their argument will be discussed further in the paper.


Common-sense theory is reflected in the example as in how we talk about girls and boys and which subjects we associate or dissociate them with, and indeed how they in turn learn to take on these extended identities. Historically, the status attributed to knowledge has reflected the categories of people associated with its use and production. Mental work, i.e. the product of thinking or cognition, can be realised as texts and texts transcend the life of the author, both in the present and in the future, providing a lasting trace - a bid for eternity. The purpose of education was to train the rational mind, and to achieve this, mind and body had to be distanced to enable human reasoning (Bascia, 829-846). Work of the hands involved craft knowledge realised in artefacts, rather than texts. This knowledge was therefore significant but of lower status than text-based knowledge. Women have traditionally undertaken this work and the knowledge associated with it has been least valued.

Associating femininity with the body necessarily dissociated females from the mind and rationality which increasingly became associated with scientific reasoning. Common-sense theories might account for why, in spite of the wealth of evidence of the similarities between males and females intellectually, these historical associations remain prominent in our explanations of the world. It is in this way that theories function as research tools.

Ontology is a Greek word, which is a discipline of theoretical philosophy. The ontology is a part of metaphysics that studies what is, i.e. what entities exist and which do not exist. In ontology, there is a general term used for the basic structures of reality. This scope is largely congruent with what the traditional terminology general metaphysics got called. Epistemology is a Greek word, and in English, it means the theory of Knowledge. Epistemology is the theory of knowledge, the department of philosophy, dealing with the relationship between cognition, and reality. Epistemology considers the nature of concepts like truth, conviction, court, perception, knowledge or justification.

A world view or paradigm is broad based. Theoretical perspectives drawn on the belief as to what distinguishes paradigms from each ...
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