Leading Edge: Human Resource

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Leading Edge: Human Resource

[Name of the Institute]Leading Edge: Human Resource


The role of human resource is very crucial in developing and attaining the corporate objectives of any organisation. The effective design and implementation of HR strategies is necessary because it set outs a performance, behaviour and other related criteria for the employees. For example, strategy pertaining to performance management is significant in a sense that it motivates the employees by laying down the criteria of being top performer. Every employee tries to fulfil the criteria in order to seek best performance in their work. In this way, the employees are rewarded according to their performance level and then strive to put more effort in the future. Those employees who do not perform well are communicated about the areas where they were not at their best and are given instructions to perform better in future (Burack, 1991).


Human Resource department is one of the important departments in an organization. Employees are the most important assets in fact they are the backbone of any organization. It is difficult task to maintain, retain and motivate them. Different organization uses different strategies to motivate employees. It is difficult task for managers to satisfy each employee in the organization because level of satisfaction varies person to person.

Recruitment is one of the main responsibilities of the Human Resource Department. It is therefore extremely essential not to lose the key players of the market. Internal hiring is one of the major motivational tactics used by the Human Resource.

It is extremely essential for the company to ensure proper hiring all over the organization. Therefore companies also use the tactics of internal hiring as to encourage employees and make them excel in their domain. The main goal or aim in the internal hiring process is not only to motivate the employees but the main hidden agenda behind it is to ensure the key employees are best fitted in their domain. There are several ways to hire internally, out which the main is the promotion within the same department. There are several factors that management uses to motivate employees such as job security, good wages, flexibility hours, appreciation, bonuses, paid leaves, benefits and promotion. Here researcher assumes one factor that motivates employees which is internal hiring.

Mainly this internal hiring is based on the competencies of the employees and the performance of the work. A lot of companies promote people up the ladder who are capable of multi-tasking. Employees who meet their level of targets assigned by the company, the performance, attitude, behaviour, motivational level as well as the quality of work are the main attributes that enables an employee to seek internal hiring either within the department or even in other departments. Internal recruitment is stated by differently authors and top tier management differently. It is mentioned by some authors that internal hiring reflects the switching of jobs from one department to another based on their competency of work and physiognomies (Beardwell et al, 2004).

Objective of Internal Recruitment

Organization does not operate ...
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