Research suggests that leadership has evolved from traditional and conventional theories of Great man and trait to current transformational leadership styles and approaches. The man difference between the early contemporary theories of leadership and that of latest theories is that the early leadership theories were focused upon the characteristics and behaviors of the leaders that were successful in their field while the latest and current theories concentrate more upon the needs and requirements of the followers and context and environment in which the leadership was developed.
Leadership Theories
The initial theories of leadership were known as Great Man theories that revolved around the concept that people with leadership abilities are extraordinary and exceptional people and that they are born with such qualities and abilities and it is their destiny and future to lead others. Trait theory emerged for a basic reason of identifying the traits and characteristics of leaders from the Great Man theory and then hiring and recruiting people on the basis of those leadership traits. This approach has been frequently used in the field of military for hiring and assigning such leadership positions for commissions. This theory proved to be ineffective later on as people were identified to have some of the identified traits and missing out on the rest which did not ensure that they do not possess leadership capacity. Behaviorist theories emphasized more upon what leaders actually do in terms on actions rather than on their qualities. McGregor's Theory X and Y Managers was one such theory which gave rise to participative management style. Situational or contingency leadership related the development of leadership style as per the requirement of particular situation and that different leadership styles can be undertaken in order to deal with different situations in similar organization. Managers can either be task oriented; leadership oriented or acts according to their position power in organization. Transactional and transformational theories basically focus upon the mutual benefits and relationship of leaders and followers. Burns has defined it as a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents” (Gosling etal, 2003). Steve Jobs who was the CEO Apple Inc. was one such leader who believed in motivating employees and rewards them in appropriate manner so that they work for the success of the company. He had the ability to shape, alter and elevate the motives, values and goals of his followers as prescribed by transformational leadership style. Additionally he also made use of Fielder's contingency model and made use of his position power to dictate employees in an authoritative manner. Research shows that Steve Jobs was an unconventional leaders who had elements of both heroic (charismatic) and transformational leadership. He was futurist and not only speak about a vision but also implemented it live in the form of Apple Inc. he was blunt and straight forward with his followers and did not follow some of the best practices of leadership mentioned in the book ...