Leadership refers to a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the assistance and collaboration of others for achieving a common goal. It is ultimately about developing a pathway for followers towards making something extraordinary happen (Malos, 2011). In today's rapidly advancing world, effective leadership holds an immense importance. Where, effective leadership is about successfully integrating and maximizing available resources within the internal and external environment for accomplishing organizational objectives (Anderson & Nwosu, 2012).
In order to address the strategic issues of the organization and to prepare workforce in areas of leadership and interdependence, team projects have become the focus of correctional environment. The correctional environment calls teams for managing challenging projects, developing relationships among diverse participants, and generating innovative solutions and action plans towards strategic agendas (Jung, 2005). Thus, teambuilding is really important in today's business environment. Teambuilding basically concerned with keeping team conflicts down and performance up. A team is build when group of participants start focusing on a common vision, mission or goal and can direct their actions towards that objective (James, 2007).
In order to connect workers and allow the firms to function effectively, communication is really crucial. It is an integral part of the organizational process as communication flows up and down the organizational hierarchy effecting on efficiency, decision making, and morale of organizations (Nordin et al., 2011). Thus, it covers all the aspects of firm activities. It's the process by which things are accomplished in global context as well. Effective communication is essential for global manager because the manager's functions like organizing, planning, facilitating and monitoring become operation zed only through communication (Chitakornkijsil, 2010). Thus, communication is an essential aspect of organizational success.
Traditional, Contemporary, and Emerging Leadership Theories and Interpersonal Forms of Power
Leadership theories and practices are inextricably linked with each other. Whether they are contemporary theories or traditional theories, all strongly impact current practice, education and policy that offers useful framework for the selection and development of leaders. Our conceptualize about the world is shaped by theories, which make us simplify and summarize large amount of data, however as a result they can also give rise to modes of thought and assumption that become unquestioned (Bolden, 2004). Traditional Leadership acknowledged behavioral, trait, and contingency as seminal research aspects related to organizational administration (Tng, 2009). The trait approach focused on attributes of natural leader emphasizing on the motives, personalities, skills, and values. It could not identify universal traits for successful leadership (Tng, 2009). Where, behavior leadership produced different two dimensional models, which include various names such as consideration and initiating structure, concern for production and people, job centric and employee centric behaviors, as well as leading towards a task relationship agenda for leadership behavior (Tng, 2009). Lastly, the contingency approach identified dependency of leadership effectiveness on organizational conditions. This approach focuses on contextual elements impacting leadership processes like characteristics of task, environment, and subordinates (Tng, 2009). Thus, traditional leadership approaches based on focusing universal qualities ...