Leadership Style

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Leadership Style

Leadership Style


I have selected Steve Job as an inspirational leader for the purpose of this assignment. The success of Steve Job can be credited to his strong leadership qualities, his commitment towards his dreams, and excellent management skills. At the age of 20, his passion of developing a new type of computer encouraged him to manufacture the first Apple computer along with his friend. The first Apple computer turned out to be a success, however, at the age of 30, unfortunate events led to his termination from the company which he had founded and led to success. However, he did not let this obstacle affect his ambitions and viewed this termination as the chance to reinvent himself and within few span of time started another company which is known as NeXT (Bel, 2010).

Recently the Fortune Magazine named Steve Jobs as the CEO of the decade. The magazine pointed out that Steve Jobs, during the past ten tears, restructured four of the chief industries: cell phones, music, computing and movies. The article said that during one's career, the remaking of even one of the industry is a major accomplishment, however the restructuring of not one but four major industries is an outstanding achievement.

In 1997, the Apple Company bought NeXT which was an ironical twist of events at that period when Apple was at the verge of bankruptcy and Jobs used his skills and experience to turn the company around. He started the “Think Different” advertising promotion, released the new products: iPods, Mac OS X, and iTunes. These innovative products showed the abilities of Jobs to think out of the box and dreaming big. Now the $170 billion Apple Company outshines the leading competitors of the same industry i.e. Google and Dell. This is why I am greatly inspired his leadership style and qualities and have selected this charismatic leader for the assignment. The next section of this report would provide detail illustration of some of the leadership qualities of Steve jobs, and would also brief overview of my leadership skill by comparing it with the skills and qualitieis of my mentor.


Leadership Styles

Steve Jobs has taught the world about leadership and dreaming big. He dared to dream bigger over and over again even after facing failures and hindrances. Each time he has introduced the most innovative and original technologies to the world. He faced all the impossible challenges and emerged from them even more successful than before. He has led his company and his team to victory after victory. He possesses the following leadership styles.

Charismatic Leadership

Steve Job has charismatic leadership quality; he has the ability to motivate the audience and his employees through his speeches. He is able to successfully communicate his opinions and ideas to his audience and captivate them. He is a gifted speaker and can entrance the attention and interest of the audience.

The charisma possessed by Steve Job is hugely based on his profound knowledge, awareness and understanding of the technologies ...
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