Leadership Style

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Leadership Style

[Date of Submission]Leadership Style


The style of a leader of motivating people, implementing plans and providing direction, is known as, the leadership style. Different styles of leadership were led by a group of researchers with Kurt Lewin in the year of 1939. Laissez-fair or delegative, democratic or participative and authoritarian or autocratic, were the three major and influential leadership styles that were established by this early study (Jung & Avolio, 1999). This Assignment will address the leadership style of Larry Page, who is the CEO of Google Inc.


The current CEO of Google Inc., Larry Page was born in East Lansing, Michigan, in the year of 1973 on twenty sixth March. From Stanford University, in computer science he received his Master of Science and from Michigan University, he received his bachelor of science in computer engineering. A powerful search algorithm, known as, Pagerank, was invented by Larry as he was extremely intelligent and proficient in computer science. Highly successful results were returned to queries of users by Pagerank (Lowe, 2009). The company Google Inc. was found by Larry in the year of 1988, together with his friend, named, Sergey Brin. Soon the company transformed into a global giant from a garage and small-based company and found itself at the top of search engines.

Larry Page is responsible for the leading the technology strategy and product development of the company as well as daily operations of the company, as being the chief executive officer of the company. Shaped by both his upbringing as the son of two computer science professors in Michigan and his background as an engineer, Larry Page has a distinct leadership style (Brezina, 2012). His ideals and leadership style are becoming increasingly clear while he remain something of an enigma as he has spent his entire career at Google. Not to mention complacency, the management style of Larry Page is relevant to anyone who is looking to stay ahead of fierce competitors or who is growing a business.

Preserve, recognizing the significance of small moves, be concise and quick, avoiding bureaucracy and building your team and cultivating the best out of your crazy ideas by paying attentions to them, are the five leadership strategies of Larry Page. Larry Page wants his team to believe in audacious ideas, as according to one can achieve something worthwhile and can attract incredibly smart people, by tackling big ideas, as they can change the world. Larry page is quietly reassigning or cutting bureaucracy and middle management, therefore, thousands of bright young graduates are sought by Google.

That notion was reinforced by the recent reorganization of the company. Larry Page is not quite fond of traditional management. Around twenty six thousand employees are working at Google; therefore, Larry Page is working to cultivate a more nimble and faster management approach at Google (Brandt, 2011). In accordance to the Wall Street Journal, sixty pitches or word updates regarding the current projects are asked from the staff by Larry Page. Larry Page is also looking forward to encouraging openness and faster ...
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