Leadership Style

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Leadership Style

Leadership Style


The concept of leadership is a very important one in management. Each one of us strives to become a leader, but are we all leaders? I don't think so! I believe leaders are born not made. However, through polishing certain skills desired for good leadership, a person who may be an average innate leader can become a great leader. Leadership is a practice. This means that like any other practice such as art, music and athletics, this too increase with repetition (Ann, 2011). The more you repeat the effective behavior the more it gets embedded in the personality.

The paper discusses the concept of leadership and sheds light on my own style of leadership. It discusses some of the strategies that I had employed and that helped me achieve my goals as a leader.


A leader is a person who leads others but is not an ordinary person. He is someone who has a vision to achieve something and has the conviction to make his dreams come true. A leader knows how to get work done and does not become complacent upon pressure. Each leader has a unique leadership style. Leadership style refers to the approach of a person for motivating and influencing people and carrying out plans. There are different styles of leadership such as authoritarian, democratic, laissez-faire and transactional (Watson, 2009).

I am a democratic leader. A democrat leader is someone who involves people, takes them on board and works with them. This style of leadership is also called participative leadership style. I lead in the democratic style because this is just what I am. I am a people person and I cannot coerce people. I believe in leading by mentoring. There's no better leader than one who is able to make people listen to him because ...
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