Leadership, Motivation, Change, Professional Ethics, And Organizational Effectiveness

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Leadership, Motivation, Change, Professional Ethics, and Organizational Effectiveness

Leadership, Motivation, Change, Professional Ethics, and Organizational Effectiveness


Of course people are always hard to understand and it is harder to motivate them, lead them and stick them to certain goals. It is also difficult to get the work done from them. In a business organization people work absolutely against their pure nature because human beings are naturally born with lazy attitude. Over the years few surveys have identified that motivating people within any organization is essential in order to meet the goals and accomplish the mission statement. Organization is supposed to be organized, united and having discipline and proper chain of command (Hal & Rainey, 2009: 14). For that, motivation, leadership, professional ethics and continuous change and its adaptability is necessary to achieve organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Training has become the significant part of training in organization to have all the above mention elements. As a professional public administration expert, I will discuss few key elements of motivation, leadership, self discipline, and professional ethics and will discuss the models, styles and concepts of getting these factors in order to utilize them for real vision of the business. In this report, I have talked about my own ways of motivating and leading people.

Training of Motivation & Leadership, Importance and Contribution in Organizational Effectiveness

Human capital is more important for any organization and the skills that possess by the employees are far important and valuable to the business then the machinery, plant and other monetary assets (Bacharach & Lawler, 1981: 54). Organization face challenges in motivating employees.

In general, work motivation refers to a person's desire to work hard and work well, and to the arousal, direction, and persistence of effort in work settings (Rainey 2009). The definition of motivation leaves behind so many questions in a way it increases the confusion that what does it mean to do hard work, and work well. How to judge person's motivation and it is highly subjective. Motivation is highly important to be there in the organization to get the work done by the employees. Because if motivation is there, there will be the interest of doing work. If there is an interest there will be the will to do, if there is a will there is a way, people get involved in the work and try to do in their best possible role. Once there is a interest developed with the task people start enjoying what they are actually doing. A motivation turn the business into new face like the aim is not now restricted to earn money for the employees but the ambition is now to produce quality work.

AMO-Model used HRM-model. This model shows us that results are not only about motivation, but they are a combination of different factors such as Abilities of the people like skills, knowledge and Opportunities which are available to work with. Motivation theorists have suggested many elements which are associated with the factor of motivation (Rainey, 2009: ...
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