Leadership Exemplar

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Leadership exemplar

Leadership exemplar


Minimum level of practice that is expected from a nurse leader is known as the standards of practice. The standards are approved by the government and are intrinsic in the profession. The main purpose of standards is to guide, promote, regulate and direct the professional nursing practice. A professional and legal foundation is laid by the standards of practice which help in the practice of nursing. standards are meant to describe the level of performance that is expected and attained by the nurses.


I had a patient that was suffering from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) on its last stage, and she had respiratory problems that were on a critical stage. Furthermore, she has been experiencing aspiration in the past. A feeding tube was attached to her body through which she was receiving TPN. One morning when I entered to her room to administer her medications for the day, I noticed that she was leaning at the side of the bed and was throwing up. Although I was holding my medicine, but I immediately decided to stop the feedings of the tube for the safety and welfare of the patient. In addition, I hold her medications until she was stabilized because I did not want the patient to aspirate. I stopped the feeding tube, held her medications and helped her in lifting from the bed correctly and gave her some time to breath correctly. After some time, I went back to her room, and I noticed that she was feeling much better than before, so I restarted the tube feedings and administered her medications. I did not administer her the medications before because I felt that if she were not keeping anything down then I should wait until she is able to get the medications correctly. Further, I stopped the tube feeding because I wanted to prevent her from aspirating.

Standards of Practice for All Registered Nurses

Standard 7 Ethics

The nurse should collect all the data of all the information of the patient that is related to his health issue. It is obligatory for a nurse to follow the standards, and in the above situation I had all the information about the condition of the patient and his past. I helped her out according to the values that are provided by ANA (Ornstein, et al 2009).

Standard 8 Diagnosis and Education

The nurse should have competencies and education that is according to the current practices of nursing. I applied my knowledge of nursing and catered the patient according to her care needs. According to the standard the nurse evaluates the report of the patient so that he should be able to express the solution of the problem (AACN 2010). In this situation, I assessed that the patient also has a history of aspiration therefore, I stopped the tube feeding.

Standard 9 Evidence-based Practice and Research

The nurse should implement his researches and evidence for his future practice, and I have learns from this situation that the patient who is feeding on ...
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