Exemplary Leadership

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Exemplary Leadership


In this study we try to explore the concept of Exemplary Leadership in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on Exemplary Leadership and its relation with the theories of Robert Quinn and Peter Vaill. The research also analyzes many aspects of leadership practices as discussed by Kouzes and Posner.

Table of Contents



Description and Analysis4



Exemplary Leadership


Generally speaking, a person's leadership style is based upon his or her own personal traits; however, the way in which he or she achieves his or her goals is determined by available resources and the environment in which the leader finds him or herself. Robert Quinn and Peter Vaill suggest that exemplary leaders must transform themselves before they can effectively lead and motivate an organization. For example, if a leader wants to implement a change in his organization or people, he or must change him or herself before and be a role model for them. It would influence their employees to follow them, and there would not be any hurdles. This kind of leadership is also known as transformational leadership.

Description and Analysis

Transformational leadership is a strategy of action in which the leader uses influence in order to change the path of individual aims into the aim of the entire organization. Many effective business leaders adopt this form because it tends to be suitable for almost all types of organizations and because it enables them to tackle challenging tasks and to consider everyone individually (Quinn, 2003). Transformational leader, develop motivation in their followers by generating a desire to bring about change, and active participation in the company's life becomes its own reward. The subordinate's attention is concentrated on the job in hand. This motivation is based on the belief that one is performing something of huge importance. The leader is adept ...
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