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Leaders Who Inspire


This research paper explores the topic of leadership in holistic context. It examines the leadership qualities and styles that are required for an inspiring leader. The study focuses on the famous leaders and their extra ordinary life that inspire us at our critical times. Further it analyzes the qualities of some of the famous inspiring leaders in the world. Such leaders have been the source of inspiration for entire world.

Table of Content




Conceptual Overview1

Qualities of a Good Leader1

Leadership Styles5

Inspiring Leaders of the World5

Abraham Lincoln5

John Paul Austin7

Mahatma Gandhi8

Martin Luther King, Jr.9

Colin Luther Powell9

Steve Jobs10



Leaders Who Inspire


Leaders are the key players in any field who 'Make Things Happen'. They not only put in their efforts to excel within their expertise but also set an example for others to get inspired and motivated too. Exemplary leadership entirely depend upon following basic business practices; directing the players as a captain of the ship, encouraging a common goal or vision of the organization, learn from their mistakes and, lastly, rewarding the positive efforts and reinforcing the negative ones (Collins, 2001).

Leadership could be defined basically as the ability to positively influence other human beings to achieve a purpose whatsoever. If you look carefully, in recent years there has been a special interest in all cultures around the world for leadership, especially the human group business, after these came the educators, politicians, etc. and to the philosophical and reflective progress that has reached the issue, the leadership has strengthened and become a necessity in an alternative mediator of achievement and human potential manager. The leadership is then the process of influencing people to achieve their goals.


Conceptual Overview

Leadership is defined as the specific actions a leader to coordinate and manage the activities of the group. It can be defined as the type of managerial interaction, based on the most effective for this situation, a combination of different sources of power and aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals. This definition implies that leadership is a function of the leader, followers and situational variables.

Leadership can be amply characterized as the method of motivating, administering, coordinating, inspiring, and mentoring individuals, assemblies of individuals, organizations, societies, or countries in the direction of certain goals or outcomes.

Qualities of a Good Leader

There are qualities to be a good leader in a specific situation. These qualities are common to all leaders. Some of the main qualities are listed below:

Good memory

Remember the names of people to talk to them and the different information that may help us solve a problem.

A genuine interest in people

One thing that you are responsible for strong leadership from your team is to demonstrate a genuine interest in the place of each member and especially the development of each of them. Prove it and you will create a genuine desire to participate in all members of your team, which is essential for its success. You cannot pretend you are interested in others - the others still discovering. A leader can only succeed by the individual success of each member of ...
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