Leadership Blog

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Leadership Blog

Leadership Blog

Definition of Introduction

Leadership is a process involving an individual influencing others to achieve a common goal or shared purpose through a dyadic contingency approach that combines interactions between the leader and followers dependent upon the situation. It also includes a process that improves leadership capacity through experience as well as intentional training. Therefore, this is the definition of the leadership.

The role of leadership in the organizations

According to the researcher known as Whitehead in 2009, leadership is a complex phenomenon. The researchers known as Komives, Lucas, and McMahon in 2007 further noted that leadership is multidisciplinary and can be displayed in numerous ways. Moreover, the researchers known as Boone and Taylor in 2007 asserted that leadership consists of numerous skills and behaviors.

These leadership opportunities allow students to use many different leadership skills. Furthermore, these opportunities can provide benefits to the participating students as well as to the school or organization that the students serve.

The researcher known as Grint in 2010 explained that leadership can be viewed from the numerous perspectives of the person, the position, the process, or the results, and because of these varied perspectives; there are varied definitions for leadership.

However, many researchers have defined leadership as a process involving an individual influencing others to achieve a common goal or shared purposes. According to the researcher known as Grint, the relationship between leader and followers is so important that the absence of followers makes it impossible to define what it is that makes a leader lead.

Burns also added that leadership must allow for social change and positively affect followers. Regardless of the definition, leadership appears to be an interactive process involving varied means to goal accomplishment. There has been much research into understanding the foundation of leadership as well as the relationship between leaders and followers.

Approaches towards the Leadership

The trait approach includes the idea that certain individuals have characteristics that make them leaders, including innate qualities such as self confidence, integrity, assertiveness, and drive. According to the researcher known as Reichard et al. in 2011, the trait approach reflects the assumption that certain qualities of people, particularly those traits related to personality and intelligence, are more likely to be tied to subsequent leadership actions or roles.

On the other hand, Daft described the behavior perspective as the idea that anyone who behaves in certain ways can be a leader. Therefore, the behavior approach is characterized by recognizing what successful leaders do, not necessarily what innate traits they possess.

A third approach to understanding leadership, known as the dyadic approach, is characterized by the relationship between leaders and followers. The researcher Grint in also 2010 argued that even if a person has certain competencies that allow him to better serve as a leader, leadership is still embedded within the context of relationships. This approach parallels Gardner's views of interpersonal intelligence and is rooted in the knowledge of self and others.

The contribution of researchers towards leadership

Researchers have attributed common characteristics ...
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