Hbr's 10 Must Read

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HBR'S 10 Must Read On Leadership

HBR'S 10 Must Read On Leadership


This is one in a series of volumes that anthologize what the editors of the Harvard Business Review consider to be the “must reads” in a given business subject area, in this instance leadership. I have no quarrel with any of their selections, each of which is eminently deserving of inclusion. Were all of these article purchased separately as reprints, the total cost would be $60 and the value of any one of them exceeds that. After going through the text of this periodical, two findings are needed.

First, the content is rich and varied and correct dose of new products. In addition, the recovery of relevant texts already published by HBR is welcome. Second, because it is more difficult in a journal in a book identify what needs to be abstract (introduction, development, and conclusion). This collection of classic articles on various aspects of management, published in the Harvard Business Review at different times. For example, there is the text of the classic management science; economist Peter Drucker already seems sixtieth year, which is nevertheless very interesting and relevant even today.


There are many ways to learn about what is thought many years ago and of course this book is not a unique source of super-ultra-contemporary knowledge. However, it was really interesting to read so here is a neat selection of interesting texts from different times, in one place in a convenient format. Because these collections are called in HBR Must Reads - easier to read. The book, as the name implies, the ten articles. Read all of them were very interesting and you, too, would recommend. I would like to separately mention the following:

"What makes a leader" by Daniel Goleman - this is actually a retelling of the classic book about emotional intelligence of its author, D. Goleman. We thoroughly examined her earlier in this blog (after you have ordered dozens of copies of this book at Amazon. The concept of leadership has developed in the United States during 1999 during which more than 2,000 books have been written on this topic.

The term leadership comes from the English leader, meaning leader, and the suffix "ship" that characterize the quality. The leadership has no French translation. Leadership is the word used to describe a person's ability to motivate, engage and guide those around him. The top business leaders are often treated as leaders. Indeed, those are the ones who, through their ability to succeed in grouping together the energies of col-tors so that everyone can contribute to the advancement and success of the organization.

According to the study of Daniel Goleman, effective leaders, which we treat as leaders have a common ability. They all have a highly developed emotional intelligence. These findings resulted from a study conducted by Daniel Goleman on nearly 200 inter-national companies. He even carried his analysis to say that any leader, even with the best training, a penetrating mind and a ...