Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management

Background of the Report3

Analysis of Concepts of Leadership and Management4

Evaluation of Key Management and Leadership Theories5

Challenges of Leadership and Management Practice6

Motivation and Performance through Leadership Skills7

Self-Actualization Theory of Motivation8

Physiological Needs9

Safety Needs9

Belonging Needs10

Self Esteem10


Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory of Motivation10

Hygiene factors11

Motivational Factors11

Development and Effectiveness of Teams13

Team Development13

Different Approaches to Developing and Maintaining Effective Teams13

Roles and Models of Team Leadership16

Role and Usefulness of Team within the Organization16


Background of the Report

Leadership and Management have been significantly interlinked with one another as leading is one of the crucial factors of effectual management i.e., planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The rationale behind the prominence of leading as a key element is due to the reason that employees, coordinators, subordinates are required and indebted to conform to certain principles and rules set by an authoritative body or individual or organization which operates the whole setup. Therefore, strong and effective leadership skills are essential for effectual management, and are certainly significant for the survival of entire system of conduct accordingly. Leadership is considered as the core of every organization that guides the leads the organization through difficult times and hurdles. The paper is aimed for the members of local Chamber of Commerce. The focus of the briefing paper is to explain the role of leadership and management and how it makes the difference. The paper first explains the business benefits of good leadership and management business and that how through the application of relevant leadership skills, motivation and performance can be improved. The report will also take into account the theories of leadership and management. By reading this paper, it is anticipated members will understand that quality leadership makes all the difference to organizations.

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Analysis of Concepts of Leadership and Management

Leadership is similar to management in many ways (Hughes et. al., 1993). Leadership and management engage influence, involve collaborating people, and are focused on accomplishment of goal. However, the functions of leadership may also be perceived as pretty distinct from management. Leadership produces movement and change, whereas, order and consistency are produced by management. In this perspective the management's primary functions are concerned with planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling. On the other hand, leadership is not a linear process through which organizational direction is laid out for followers, but instead a collaborative process that involves partaking across levels of power and position. The primary functions of leadership are concerned with establishing direction, aligning, motivating, and inspiring people. It is a dynamic association among the fluid roles of followers and leaders (Johnson & Roberts, 2009).

Leadership can be understood as a process, instead of understanding it with respect to the qualities or traits of a leader. Such a perspective proposes that, situated in context, leadership is a phenomenon and it is available to one and all. Diverging from the 1980s' prevalent heroic, “great man” theory, the understanding of leadership is more relational these days—envisioning leadership as a “multi-directional social process … aimed at collective outcomes.”, as noted by Fletcher (2004) in his ...
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