Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management


Leadership and Management are two principle aspects for any organization to be successful. These tow aspects are said to be dependent on each other as they lose their essence and effectiveness if not utilized together. Leaders are supposed to give vision, and the management is responsible for implementing those given ideas. The optimum working efficiency of any organization is achieved if these aspects work in accordance with each other. It is a broad belief that the quality and level of leadership makes a heavy difference to school and student outcomes. If the schools aim to provide best possible education for their learners, they must acquire effective leaders and managers to fulfil the task. The requirement of effective leaders and managers is truly essential for providing the best education to learners. Schools needs efficient and highly committed teachers, but they in return require leadership of extremely effective principles and managers. While there is a great need of effective leaders in the schools for producing great outcomes, there is less certainty regarding the leadership behaviours that are to be adopted (Bush, 2003, pp. 1-16).

The Early Years Foundation Stage is a framework that sets quality standards for all the early year education providers, which they must meet in order to ensure that children learn and develop well. One of the many purposes of EYFS is to gather accurate and reliable information about the child's development, and further provide this information to the teachers in order to develop a responsive and effective curriculum that meets the child's requirement.


Leadership and Management

Schools need trained and committed teachers for their children to get quality education, but this in return requires the leadership and management of highly effective principles and managers. While education adapts from other settings, educational management and leadership is directly concerned with the aims and purpose of education. It is of immense importance to the educational management that their aims are clearly defined and well executed in the system. It is widely assumed that the leadership in schools directly influences the effectiveness of teachers and the achievement of students. With the changing trends and environment of the world, the school leaders are now not just said to be responsible for effective leadership; they are responsible for contributing in the betterment of educational outcomes and the key to large-scale education reform (Bush, 2007, pp. 391-416).

A person influencing a group of individuals to achieve a common goal is defined as leadership. A leader infuses motivation and influences others to aim high and achieve goals. A leader must possess the quality of being highly responsible. In education, the leaders must demonstrate excellent attendance and exceptional participation, without which the efficiency of work would be highly affected. Another quality that a leader should possess is excellent communication. Effective communication is an essential need for a leader in any organization which includes excellent written and oral communication skills. Other qualities of a leader include collaboration, self-reflection, openness, stability and decision making (Howland, Krupp and Schoemaker, 2013, ...
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