Leadership And Management

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Name: Radoslaw Chrupek


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: Principles of Leadership and ManagementPrinciples of Leadership and Management

Section #1

Relationship between Leadership and Management

Leadership is all about liberating people to perform in ways which are effective and are humanly possible. Leaders coach their people and may act as mentors; while managers see to the successful accomplishment of the tasks. Leadership and management are vital for the delivery of high productivity of any organisation. They are similar in many aspects and complement each other; both are necessary for the organisations in current times. There has been a long debate for identifying and understanding the differences between managers and leaders. With the advent of researches in organizational contexts, studies start pointing out contrasting features of people who manage and the people who act as leaders. Successful execution and carrying out the organisational functions requires a combination of both, a manager's managing skills and the leader's charismatic and inspiring skills. Managers mostly have the authority to overlook the smooth and successful execution of the organisational functions; while leaders might lead or transform the thinking and behaviours of the people besides managing the successful execution of the organisational functions. Therefore, managers need to develop skills for a successful leader and the leaders should extend their dexterity to be good managers. However, researchers and theorist contend that in the future, organisations will greatly depend upon effective leadership, incorporating efficient management skills. Bass for instance, asserts that even though the functions and the tasks of the managers are similar to the ones leaders perform; yet, the two terms and designations are not synonymous with each other. Zalenik (1977) took a stand for the issue of difference between the managers and the leaders. He argues that although both of them make huge contributions to the stability and productivity of the organizations, but takes a stand on difference between the two (Lunenburg 2011, p.1).

Management and Leadership Styles; Impacts on the Achievement of Organisational Objectives

Reviews of the literature concerning the studies about success of the organisations and leadership and management styles reveal that in general, organisations produce and perform their functions in perspective to what they are told to perform. No two organisations have same environment and surroundings; besides the professional standards and the productivity touchstone every organisation has its own environment and atmosphere. The atmosphere of organisations depends on the type of managing strategies imposed upon them; whether it is authoritative or very lenient. Organisations depict the nature and perspective of their managers and leaders in their atmosphere and environment (Turner & Muller 2005, p. 49). Studies in organisational research show that, organisations reflect and deliver what their leaders and managers put in them; it is because sometimes, the leaders and managers need to perform and think about the things which are new and novel. It might be a product or a service which is totally new to the ...
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