Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management

Principles and Practices of Leadership and Management

Principles and Practices of Leadership and Management

Evaluation of Contingency Theory of Leadership

Although many studies have emphasized the effectiveness of the contingency theory, but on the other hand, there is also extensive criticism against the theory. In the first section of the paper, a comprehensive discussion of these criticisms are consitituted, which will help to clarify the contingency theory in overall significance of leadership.

First, the contingency theory cannot explain why individual has a particular leadership style in some situations; than in some other situations rather more changed (Schultz, pp. n.d. 2010). Fiedler (1993) called it the "black box" problem, because in trying to explain why task-driven leader are proficient at handling extreme cases, when the relationship-driven leader infringe good intermediate situation, still has a 'mysterious' spit.

This theory on the test of the "least preferred co-worker (LPC)” scored very low score; however any extreme situations included Factory efficiency reasons. These people in the enjoyment of a large number of strong play to their ability to control the right - the plant will be more grasp (Neil, pp. 121, 2007). Another; those the LPC test scores is highly suited to the extreme situations; reason is that - when they have a lot of control over - they tend to overreact, and when their control is too low, they under-react; not overly concerned with interpersonal relationships and inability to complete the task. In the intermediate contexts, the LPC test scores high efficiency, because they can deal with interpersonal relationships. LPC people with low test scores, because of the lack of certainty, easily affected by the problem.

The second critical views “the LPC questionnaire” is that there is no rape associated with other standards leadership test, because it seems not a valid. The LPC test questionnaire - by a description of the behavioural characteristics of another person - is to measure the leadership style of the description (Schultz, pp. n.d. 2010). It speculated that because this test is derived from the description of those who find it hard to understand others described in this questionnaire, they are a reflection of their own leadership style. On the surface, it is difficult to understand why the estimates can be measured by the panic of others to your own leadership style.

The LPC test is used to measure the factors of personal motivation level. The leader of the important tasks do not want to work with co-workers, because these people stand in their way to complete the task (Neil, pp. 122, 2007). Their primary goal is to complete the work, followed by the attention to the views of others. On the other hand, the value relationship by a more positive attitude to look at people they do not like, because their primary goal is to live in friendship, followed by the completion of the task. In short, by assessing the leader obstruct the completion of the task by the attitude of the LPC test can assess their leadership style, but this conclusion is ...
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