Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management within an Organization

Leadership and Management within an Organization


The basic aim of every company or organization is to further expand its business. To achieve this aim, every individual worker or employee in the organization has to fulfill his duties and tasks assigned as per by the management. Therefore, an individual performance is not the only area that an organization needs to flourish and prosper. However, a company also requires the collective effort of all the individual employees in order to achieve all the pre decided goals. Hence, a team effort is required by every organization for a rapid growth and development in its size and stature. However, an important task that needs to be performed before assigning any task to a team is the building of that team. Hence, team building plays a central role in deciding the fate of any organization (Fullan, 2011, pp. 34).


Different Approaches to Building and Maintaining Effective Teams

A company or an organization consists of employees and workers of different personalities and potential belonging to various different backgrounds. Therefore, it is essential for the management to follow all the necessary guidelines for the team building process. These guidelines and approaches include, (Fullan, 2011, pp.34).

Clear Expectation

It is very important for the team leaders and individual team members to be fully aware of; expectations of both the entities from each other; reasons for the creation of the team; availability of time, money and other resources to support the team; and sufficient time to set out for discussions and interactions (Fullan, 2011, pp.35).


All the team members need to be dedicated to work. It is important to make sure by the team leader that every other team member of the team respects each team member. This will help the group of individuals help each other at the time of individual or collective crisis.


It is very essential for the team to be familiar with the potential of every single team member. This awareness plays an important role in assigning the task in accordance with the capabilities of a team member and helping the team member if the task assigned it higher than his caliber (Kotter, 1996,, 45).


Although, the organization is responsible for the overall planning of the strategies for performing any particular task. However, setting out targets for individual team members is also an effective for the team to evaluate the pace with which the task is performed. Hence, a team can always define goals and targets for itself. A team can plan timelines for a well-organized task. However, it is important that the team knows that management supports these strategies by the team (Fullan, 2011, pp.35) (Kotter, 1996,, 45).


Balancing between the freedom granted and the discipline maintained is a very important factor in creating and maintaining a constructive environment within a team. This helps in experimenting in various aspects however informing the participants of the possible limitations involved.


A team cannot remain intact unless and until all the team members participates ...
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