Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management

Table of Contents


Task 13

1.1 Leadership3

1.2 Leadership and Management Theories6

1.3 Leadership and Management Challenges8

Task 29

2.1 Motivational Theories9

2.2 Role of Leadership and Management in Employee Motivation10

2.3 Performance Management Techniques11

Task 312

3.1 Team12

3.2 Conflict Management14

3.3 Measuring Team Success15


Leadership & Management


Leadership and motivation are the two important dimensions in today's business world. Various leadership methods are defined to create followers. The classifications, dimensions, the power and influence of leaders, skills, and processes of leadership are explained. It also discusses the theories of leadership, management and motivation often in the context of psychology. People introduced and are still introducing strategies and different models to deal with the leadership aspects. There are some highlights of the challenges faced by leaders and management and the effectiveness of team leadership. There are also some insights of conflict management to sustain the flow of any organization.

Task 1

1.1 Leadership

Leadership is a convincing power of an individual which inspires an organization or set of people towards a vision.


When people aim towards achieving certain goals for the success of an organization or business, the activity is called Management.

Classifications of Leadership Charismatic Leadership

These are the leaders with exceptional qualities and 'heroic' features. They are strong influencers and have the potential to bring radical changes in an organization.

Transformational Leadership

In this type of leadership changes occur gradually and bring betterment in the organizational processes (Popper & Zakkai 1994, p. n.d.).

Some other types of leadership are task-oriented, transactional, Laissez-Faire and many more.

Dimensions of Leadership








The Leadership Process

The leadership process is comprised of some essential steps like orientation and commitment, assessment, strategy development and vision formation, the change process, and integrating with the business performance. The model has four interlinked key factors:

The Leader


The Context


Power and Influence

A leader has the power to influence the actions and behaviors of others by some appealing tactics.

Reward Power

The ability to provide rewards which can also increase process efficiency. Referent Power

It is the power based on personal qualities and influences others because of associations.

Legitimate Power

This power is based on the designation or status of a leader as people feel this person has the right by virtue of position.

Expert Power

It is the expertise of a leader and its value for others. This leader has the best way to do something with special skills and knowledge.

Coercive Power

This leadership type is based on fear and the power to rule over the fearful people, the fear of punishment (Green 1999, p. 55-56).

Goals of a Leader

A leader must have some goals aimed for better development like strategic thinking, mentoring, listening, coaching, presence, collaboration.

Leadership Skills

There are some potential skills that distinguish a leader from others. The basic ones are: communication, planning, controlling, sharing, counseling, effectiveness and representation. These are among the major reasons which help a leader to set an example for others.

Leadership of groups

It is a tough task to successfully lead a group of people for particular tasks. When a leader is taking a group along there, must ...
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