Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management


Today organizations come across a myriad of prospective challenges. Thus, in order to be successful it is necessary for an organization to efficiently cope with the implications of latest technology, changing political and social climates, globalization, changing economic conditions, latest competitive threats, changes in the preferences of consumers, industry consolidation and new legal standards and performance.


Part 1

Each business experiences change at some point of time in the development cycle. Though change is an obligation that maintains the sharpness and growth of businesses, majority of people take change pessimistically. The objective of planning and implementing change is to lead affirmative change efforts that involve, inspire, and encourage employees to progress with the organization and not move in opposition to the change.

In my organization, following steps were taken to plan and then implement change:

First of all a plan for positive change was created to inspire employees and leaders so that they can embrace the change. This plan helps the people to identify each touch point that will be affected by change. A message was created that clearly articulated the advantages and benefits of the change.

There are always some barriers during the implementation of change. Thus, my organization determined the potential barriers that can have a negative impact on the plans. Once they were identified, the obstacles were then addressed and finally ways to overcome them productively were determined.

After the identification of the obstacles, a complete communication plan was created as explained by Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy in chapter 13. A primary announcement regarding change was made very carefully, keeping in mind that the organization was working with human beings not machines. In this announcement the purpose of the change was explained and the vision for change was articulated. Ultimately the plans for transition were communicated.

My organization ...
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