Leadership And Management

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Mod 3 Paper: Leadership and Management

Mod 3 Paper: Leadership and Management


One can meet people in leadership roles almost everywhere, in all fields of human activity. However, the formal implementation of the duties, which are one of the attributes of leadership, does not necessarily make a person a truly effective leader. Therefore, in order to raise personal leadership skills to the next level one must begin with an analysis of their behavior in specific situations, which are an integral part of leadership. This paper discusses two personal leadership skill strengths and two personal leadership skill weaknesses. In addition to this the paper outlines a personal skill development plan that addresses the two weaknesses that are discusses and synthesizes disparate leadership skills into an effective personal leadership style.


Using various techniques of analysis and planning you will be able to identify the challenges that we face, and to identify opportunities that are available to you (SWOT analysis). However, for the purpose of this paper we would just carry out a strength and weakness analysis. The two personal leadership skill strengths include:

Motivating people for future image:

A great way to inspire people - is to use real examples and emotionally - painted stories to broadcast their image of the future. You should be able to convince others to adopt the goals you have set. For this you need a deep understanding of the importance of team work and understanding that when people work together, they can achieve outstanding results. To create an inspiring image of you alone are not sufficient analytical data. In order to convey your vision, you need the ability to arouse people's enthusiasm and motivation to pursue the goal. Ultimately, the full adoption of goals by all members of your team is the result of your ability to convince them ...
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