Leadership And Change Management

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Leadership and Change Management

Leadership and Change Management


The fact that the beginning of the 21st century of globalization and the increasing momentum in all areas of human activity, today nobody doubts. The present is undoubtedly characterized as a period of accelerating development and significant changes on all fronts. Changes that affect us are becoming more frequent (and the time taken to deal with them is always shorter), and this trend will probably continue in the future amplify.

Increasingly, we are talking about the future will want those players who are able to change quickly and successfully cope than others. We talk about the future competitive advantage will be the ability to quickly and effectively absorb change. More often hear terms such as flexibility, adaptability, continuous improvement and learning organization. The change process encompasses all activities aimed at helping the organization to successfully adopt new attitudes, new technologies and new ways of doing business. Effective management of change enables the transformation of strategy, processes, technology and people to refocus the organization to achieve its objectives, maximize performance and ensure continuous improvement in ever-changing business environment.

A process of change occurs very efficiently if everyone is committed to it. Meanwhile, for people to engage, they cannot be "run over" by the process, as something distant from the same, because they are not. In truth, change occurs through people. And, to be considered people as part of the process of change is necessary to know their values, their beliefs, their behaviours. The organizations and people in it are included changing. In organizations, some changes occur for emerging opportunities, while others are projected. The term development is applied when the change is intentional and planned.

Anyone who has been active as an employee has personal experience with the changes introduced in his company. Changes may be of different nature, such as changes in working practices, organization structure, personnel reduction, the introduction of a new information system. Every change has a different impact on individuals or groups of workers. Each individual then reacts differently to changes that concern him. It is human nature that prevents changes intuitively, because for him it represents uncertainty. Change management procedures are to accompany the introduction of significant changes and their task is to facilitate the implementation of changes in the environment.


The changes that occur in organizations are often triggered by changing the strategy of the organization. There is a logical connection between the organization's strategy, models of organization and management of its activities (organizational architecture) and the culture of the organization. T he success of the changes initiated by the organization's strategy is strongly influenced by the model of organization and management, as well as the nature of the organizational culture of the organization. It is therefore quite logical that any change in the level of the organization as a whole (or a significant portion thereof) cannot be understood separately in one of these areas, but in all three areas simultaneously ...
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