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Learning styles are basically different approaches that help humans to learn. They comprise of adequate educating methods for individuals and assist the individuals to learn and experience different things in the most appropriate way. Learning styles consists of certain cognitive and physiological factors that are useful in indicating of how a person perceive and experience things around him. These factors also help him to interact and respond to the learning environment. Learning styles also contains certain educational conditions which helps students to learn and percieve.therefore learning style are not concerned with what learners learn, but it reflects how they learn and perceive the environment around them. (Amabile & Kramer, 2007,pp.74).

I believe that if students develop the effectiveness as learners, students can be motivated and encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. This way they will be able to identify the best methods to learn and the skills required to effectively learn and adopt new things.


It is quite evident from Kolb theory that every individual has a different learning style. People in different situations adopt different learning style to face the situation and respond to the environment. The learning style of an individual is affected by many factors. These factors include social environment, educational experiences and the basic cognitive structure of an individual. The learning style laid down by Kolb are discussed below


People which adopt the diverging learning style have the ability to look at things differently in different situations and environment. These people prefer to observe things and situations around them and gather information. They tend to solve problems by using the gathered information and their imagination. They also have the ability to give different viewpoints about several situations and circumstances. These people are called diverging because they are good at generating new and innovative ideas. These people tend to be imaginative and emotional toward the environment and the society as a whole. People following the diverging learning style feel comfortable working in groups and like to receive feedback. (Kolb & Kolb, 2005,pp.194).


People using the assimilating approach are more logical and concise toward situation.

They believe that idea and perceptions are more essential than humans they require a clear and concise understanding of the data and information rather than the practical approach. They have s strong ability in gathering information and organizing it in a concise format. They focus on abstract concepts and don't give much attention to people and the surrounding around them. They are less likely to concentrate on the practical value and are more diverted towards logical concepts.


People that follow a converging style have the ability to find solutions to their problems and practical issues. They are able to perform technical and analytical tasks and stay less focused on people and the interpersonal relationships. People who adopt and follow the converging style are best at finding practical solutions to new ideas and theories. They have the power to give solutions to problems and queries. People with converging style generate new ideas and stimulate the ideas and then work ...
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