Law-Public Inquiry

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Law-Public Inquiry

Law-Public Inquiry


Jayant Mukundray Patel who was born on April 10, 1950 was a surgeon at at Bundaberg Base Hospital in Queensland, Australia. In 2005 Patel was blamed for an uncivilized act while working in Bundaberg Base Hospital. He was accused of showing incompetence at work and on June 2010, Jayant Mukundray Patel was condemned and announced as a criminal on account of murdering three innocent people and another for agonizing harm to a patient. For these reasons Patel was held in jail for seven years. However in August 2012 the case was abrogated by the High court and was reopened because the jury claimed that the evidences presented against Dr Patel were highly biased and were unrelated to the case. Jayant was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment for being guilty of charge. He was accused of inappropriate behaviour at work.

Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia

Jayant Mukundray Patel was employed by Queensland Health which is a government department of health, under an "area of need program” in which foreign trained doctors were recruited for understaffed departments. In 2003 Patel was promoted to the post of Director of Surgery at the Bundaberg Base Hospital without checking his prior qualifications or credentials. So he was assigned even though he had no expert knowledge.

That was the reason which explained his incompetence as he was described by the staff as "antiquated" and "sloppy". Moreover nurses were reported to have said that whenever Patel was in the hospital they specially hid their patients because he demonstrated poor performance. He did not maintain hygiene conditions and got a nickname of "Dr. Death" from the staff. It is also known that he intentionally amended the hospital records so as to hide his ineffectiveness.

Numbers affected

As per the records Patel is associated with more than eighty seven deaths from the one thousand two hundred and two patients he examined in the years 2003 to 2005. This meant that a total of thirty patients lost their lives under Patel's care. This proved as another strong evidence for the charges put against Jayant. He was now deep in the crimes he had done and tried to hide. Killing around eighty seven deaths is not just a crime but also cruelty and a proof that Jayant was not a human but a devil in the shape of a man.

Concerns made public

In Queensland Health there is a regular meeting held which involves "Question Time" session and in this session on 22 March 2005 Stuart Copeland raised the topic of Patel's clinical practice. Stuart Copeland was warned by Toni Hoffman about Patel's practices. Toni was a nurse practicing at Bundaberg Base Hospital during those times.

Therefore after two days in the Legislative Assembly, Rob Messenger who is the National Party Member of Parliament for Burnett reported this concern and Patel was suspended. The poor patients treated by Patel lodged complaints and claims on media and newspapers, of harm and death resulted by his incompetency. The journalist of “The Courier-Mail”, Hedley Thomas also won a reward for his work on revealing Patel's past and also issued some reports ...
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