Law-Legal Issues

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Law-Legal Issues

Law-Legal Issues

Overview of the English Criminal Law and Procedure in the XVIII Century

Ended in a compromise English Revolution did not lead to any significant changes in criminal law, which touched directly to the interests of capitalist entrepreneurs. Prevailing before the reform in 1832 landed aristocracy and the bourgeoisie is quite satisfied with the tip of the criminal law, dating back to pre-revolutionary law. The traditional scheme only enriched in the XVIII century new types of crimes. Particularly increased the number of offenses that qualify as felony and punishable by death according to tradition, and confiscation of property. By the end of the Revolution (in 1660) in England was about 50 types of crimes punishable by death, by the beginning of the XIX century were added to about 150.

In the development of English criminal law in the XVIII century stood out very clearly the desire of the ruling circles of any, including the most brutal means to inspire disadvantaged and the working people "respect" for private property. At this time the death penalty for deliberate injury established livestock, cutting down trees for the orchard trees, for setting fire to crops, for stealing a pocket in the church, sentenced to death for sending a letter with a fictitious signature in order to extort money for petty theft (more than one shilling), etc .

In XX century the policy of simplifying and modernizing the criminal law continued through the publication of consolidated acts or acts which have elements of codification that is, containing new legal provisions. The development of the criminal law of England in the XX century and reflected the changing social conditions, including an increase in crime. The need for restructuring of the criminal policy has led to a reform of the criminal law. The most significant restructuring of the English criminal law has occurred in the second half of XX century. Especially after the establishment in 1965 the Law Commission, set itself the task of preparing the codification of law in England. Especially vigorous codification of the Commission carried out in the field of criminal law. By 1985, he was even prepared a draft criminal code, published for the information of the general public. However, the adoption of this code stalled. Bearing in mind that ultimately the codifications of criminal law, the Law Commission and Parliament has done much preliminary work on the systematization of the criminal law of England .

Case 1-I: Matthew Miles, a 6 Year Old Boy, Convicted Of Murdering a Younger Child

What Sentence You Have Decided On In Case

Being a judge, and after reviewing the case, Mathew Miles is convicted for murdering a younger child, but he himself is 6 years old. According to the Law, convicted is required to be presented in front of the court. Mathew Miles was supposed to be sentenced for capital punishment according to the law for murdering a younger child. But being a jury of this case, I would like to involve a team of psychiatrists in this case and review ...
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