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Work/Life Balance

Work/Life Balance


Premier foods is one of the leading food manufacturing firm in UK. The firm supplies a wide variety of retail, wholesale and other food related services. The vision statement of the premier foods is to become the best food company in the British food. The firm is also committed to serving the food of British taste and which is prepared by people who understand the taste of the British customers. The Premier foods have around 35 locations around the country, and it employees around 9,000 employees in it (, 2013, p N.D).


Work/Life Balance

Work life balance is the term which refers to the relationship between work and the activities of the daily life such as the family issues and relaxation etc. There are several benefits of work life balance to the employees such as; the employee becomes more responsive towards the job and towards the life interests. The employees and the employer relation get better, the balance results in a happy family and happy boss that is a win-win situation (Bloom.N,, 2006, pp 2-9).

There are also several benefits to the employer of work life balance such as increased employee retention and reduced employee absenteeism. The loyalty of the employees also increases which leads to increased productivity and good results of the firm. Premier foods also practice the work life balance. The firm has allocated several types of leaves for employees on an annual basis. Apart from this firm has also synchronized the weekly holidays with the availability of the labour. The employees are given the an option to select the weekly holiday amongst two or three days presented to him or her as options and then the employees select the day he or she wants to take off. There are also some paid leaves in which employees are asked to go for leaves and will be paid normally. This is done to increase the relaxation level of the employee and to increase the productivity of the employee (Bloom.N,, 2006, pp 2-9).

As far as the legislation is concerned the federal government provides the basics of the work life balance by regulating the main conditions of the working hours and days plus the environment. The work life balance gets influenced by the legislation in the way that the law has set minimum principles for areas such as working hours per week and per day and also leaves. The ...
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